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Laptop Specs

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I've never posted anything regarding specs before so please excuse me and re-direct me if this is the wrong forum! I'm basically curious to see how FM 13 would run on this laptop...

Dell Inspiron 15

Processor Type: Intel Core i5

Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz

RAM Size: 4 GB

Computer Memory Type: DDR3 SDRAM

Hard Drive Size: 500 GB

Graphics Card Description: Integrated

Graphics RAM Type: DDR3 SDRAM

I'm tech-impaired basically so excuse my ignorance! :o

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For the graphics card it says AMD Radeon HD 7670M, that sound right? I pretty much know it'll run, but it was whether it will run on a very basic setup or whether I can run it with additional leagues and a large database.

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The recommended set up is there for a reason, so pay heed to it and you should be OK. I would have thought that the extra leagues and the large database would be a struggle, but a lot depends on what else is running on the machine.

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Those specs are a touch better than my laptop and I can run a game with multiple leagues fine, albeit with a bit of a wait for the game to advance when I click "continue" and with the ME graphics at a low level. Still perfectly playable though.

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Specs comes down to a few simple things:

Ram makes no massive difference beyond the recommended level from the game, established by members here benchmark testing.

CPU speed makes the biggest difference, i5s 2k series and above being the most effective.

Onboard graphics are fine as long as you turn the detail down, mainly to stop your laptop getting too hot. (I think a little extra RAM for it is not a bad thing though)

Don't run lots of other things alongside FM if you have a low powerd PC.

With the ability to add and remove leagues its worth trying, if things get too slow then remove leagues.

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You will be fine with that!!!!

Decent processor graphics aren't a major issue !

In terms of memory an extra 2gb would be alright and would help.

Dead easy to upgrade if you know how to otherwise take it to a pc store like pc world and they will get the right stick about £25 and put it in for a couple of quid extra


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