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Individual Player Tempo Settings

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Hey all,

I'm new here and so my apologies if this is in the wrong area, but basically as the title says i think that SI should introduce a Tempo slider for each of the starting 11 players in the team much like the passing style slider.

The reason for this is 2 fold, 1 because no matter how long you've had a group of players together 1 of them always has the Ass Man telling you that he's used to a higher or lower tempo and so with the slider you could get the most out of the team.

The second reason is that it would allow you to have greater control over the different phases of play that your team go through, i.e. you could have the defense and midfield playing short, quick passes to each other and then when it get through to the strikers, you could have them set to a lower tempo and have better opportunities at scoring, rather then rushing if the tempo is to fast or dallying on the ball if its too slow.

Also SI should give make a box similar to the cross aim one that allows you to set where you players run to when a cross comes in, so for example you if your playing a 4-4-2 and the RM crosses the ball you could set the STR and STL to run to the front post drawing the 2 CBs with them and then have the LM to ghost in at the back post.

Well that's my opinion, but i'd like to hear what the general consensus is.

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I know what you mean, but I also kind of feel that tempo isn't something that can be set for individual players IRL, and is more of a collective thing.

You can already set individual passing instructions and mentality, which I think more or less cover the things you look for, though I think simply saying that lower tempo = better opportunities at scoring greatly over-simplifies football.

Like I said though I do understand what you are getting at, but I'm not sure if I am completely on board, and my comment takes the assumption that instructions actually manifest in the ME, a fact which some people are not convinced of...

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There is the "Dictates tempo" PPM and "hold up ball" has its uses. I know what you're getting at, but like Herbert, I'm not really convinced that it makes that much sense on an individual player level. If you find your forwards are snatching at chances, or if they're dallying on the ball, and the rest of the team are playing at the right tempo, you might want to fine-tune your team talks. Too much pressure makes players snatch at chances and complacency makes them dither and dawdle.

I do find the ass man can be an ass too, but nomen est omen.

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Yeah the way i've wrote it does make it sound over simplified but how often have you seen a striker put clean through one on one with the keeper but due to him being set too high on the tempo bar has he just ran right up to the keeper and smashed it straight at him, when if he's been set to a lower tempo he would of actually used the PPM - Round the keeper that he spent 5 months learning

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Oh and what is the point of the Ass Man he does bugger all, he's crap at suggesting PPMs to be learnt and even worse at suggesting tutors and the team talks are rubbish, he's just there to his unrealistic transfer targets in my opinion

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Zeonflux, I see what you're getting at. You cannot have both a team tempo and an individual tempo...they contradict each other. You can have a general passing philosophy only because it's convenient to be able to change all the players' passing at once...not necessarily because passing is a team-based thing. Even then, you'll notice that all the player's passing are not exactly at the same level. But tempo is a team-based thing. If each player had their own tempo, then the team itself would not have a tempo. For example, how could Barcelona have a high tempo if they had two or three players playing slow? That would make the work of all the other players pointless.

Anyway, what you need is to tell your striker to hold up the ball and decrease his mentality if you want him to play slower, or increase his attacking mentality and don't hold up the ball if you want him to play faster.

As far as the post running, can't you tell your players to make Forward Runs Often, and they will do that anyway? I mean, isn't that already the play that people were complaining happened too often with the wingers feeding each other goals?

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