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Thats it!!!! Im done!!!

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Ive been playing this series ever since the first Championship Manager 1 came out, never missed a game for 20 years!, im not sure whether to be annoyed or to congratulate the team on building a game that for the first time, after a good few months of trying, i am unable to beat!!. for the first time i have surrendered to the game!!! Im done! ive tried every formation, every tweak, I simply cannot find a winning formula!.

The game has lost its fun and has become a second job!, would not surprise me if i started paying more income tax!!!.

so well done team! after 20 years, im retiring!!

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started the same thread a month or so ago...one successful Tottenham save (won title and fa cup in first season) later I can see it from the point of others who come here to stick up for the game. Yes it's difficult, yes it's frustrating but it is not impossible.

I was ready to do away with the game til i took a look at this website http://www.guidetofootballmanager.com using its hints, tips and suggestions i have created a save that has been successful. I suggest you take a look at it. go back to basics and try to figure out why it might not be working. you need to take in things such as your home teams pitch dimensions and match it to the style of football you want to play. I know it's a chore and not exactly the fun part of the game but you have to do it to win games. failing that just play the FMC mode.

to many people (myself included previously) post on here whinging which is understandable due to your frustration (believe me mate i've felt the same thing) but if you post in the tactics forum and go about it nicely the guys on here will only be too happy to help. I strongly suggest you take a look at that website...cured everything for me

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I'd recommend sticking to a tactic for more than one game. Players aint going to learn their roles and get into any sort of rhythm if the tactic is changed all the time.

Must have done like a thousand games to have tried every formation and every tweak ;)

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Cool story bro. ps its your tatics

I'm all for giving mindless ranters a hard time, but to be fair this guy did actually imply he hadn't found the right tactics, and seems pretty upset at losing the game he loved. An argument that the game is too much hard work to be enjoyable isn't quite the same as saying it is an awful game, although I realise he touches in that direction.

My advice to him would be to calm down, take stock, realise that even though he finds the game too hard, there are plenty of others who don't.

Find a good tactic from the forums, or even better read wwfan's advice threads and make your own.

Wonky's advice about starting rep is spot on too. I would also recommend starting an easy save, perhaps Rangers or something else in that vein.

Don't tinker too much with tactics when you have something which works, and don't over complicate things.

Above all, have realistic expectations. The game has changed since day 1 in that it is harder to exploit, you can't just click and win anymore. Teams have dips and variations in form, it happens IRL and it happens in game too.

Patience and common sense will get you there, and I'm sure that soon you will be able to recommence enjoying the game you used to love

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My recommendation:

1) Load the leagues you want. As many as possible without making it too slow for your taste.

2) Add a random manager unemployed.

3) Set him to holiday until 1st July (or something) 2017

4) Go do something else. Like for instance sleep.

5) Get the game back up and retire the manager in 2)

6) Add yourself as a manager with International Reputation

7) Take control of a club with good potential (20k or bigger stadium) in a semi-low league. Like Bradford or Notts County

8) Make this Stock 442 tactic:

Strikers: DLF-S

Wide midfielders: W-S

Central midfielders: CM-S, CM-D

Full backs: FB-S

Central defenders: CD-D

*Remove Hold up Ball on all players (the strikers and the defensive midfielder in this case)

*Check Counter-Attack (set it to ON)

*Set Long Shots to Rarely on all players

* Make sure both strikers are set to Roam From Position and Move into Channels

* All other instructions should be unchanged from the TC (Default, Balanced, Mixed, Normal etc)

... this tactic should now work. This means that given your reputation and the "open" nature of this tactic, the players should not behave as idiots who has never seen a ball before. The tactic is unlikely to boost the odds of winning above your station - so you'd have to pay attention to what happens on the pitch to do so yourself. It should be easy to see where the tactic can be improved - for instance by lowering the Tempo to first click of Mixed (6?) and setting the wingers to Run from Deep Often (they will start their runs sooner), switching to Control etc etc...

9) Learn how to control the players' focus while keeping their morale high. Apply pressure/demands to reduce complacency and support/release pressure to increase confidence. Don't be Captain Obvious; your job as a manager is NOT to praise wins and criticise defeats.

10) Build a team of Ambitious, Determined Professionals with high Aggression, Bravery and Team Work (since this is 2017 regens will start to make an impact on the game world and the six mentioned attributes are, when found in a single player, a rare and sought-after commodity).

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I'm all for giving mindless ranters a hard time, but to be fair this guy did actually imply he hadn't found the right tactics, and seems pretty upset at losing the game he loved. An argument that the game is too much hard work to be enjoyable isn't quite the same as saying it is an awful game, although I realise he touches in that direction.

My advice to him would be to calm down, take stock, realise that even though he finds the game too hard, there are plenty of others who don't.

Find a good tactic from the forums, or even better read wwfan's advice threads and make your own.

Wonky's advice about starting rep is spot on too. I would also recommend starting an easy save, perhaps Rangers or something else in that vein.

Don't tinker too much with tactics when you have something which works, and don't over complicate things.

Above all, have realistic expectations. The game has changed since day 1 in that it is harder to exploit, you can't just click and win anymore. Teams have dips and variations in form, it happens IRL and it happens in game too.

Patience and common sense will get you there, and I'm sure that soon you will be able to recommence enjoying the game you used to love

Very true just an annoyance sometimes

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I'm all for giving mindless ranters a hard time, but to be fair this guy did actually imply he hadn't found the right tactics, and seems pretty upset at losing the game he loved. An argument that the game is too much hard work to be enjoyable isn't quite the same as saying it is an awful game, although I realise he touches in that direction.

My advice to him would be to calm down, take stock, realise that even though he finds the game too hard, there are plenty of others who don't.

Find a good tactic from the forums, or even better read wwfan's advice threads and make your own.

Wonky's advice about starting rep is spot on too. I would also recommend starting an easy save, perhaps Rangers or something else in that vein.

Don't tinker too much with tactics when you have something which works, and don't over complicate things.

Above all, have realistic expectations. The game has changed since day 1 in that it is harder to exploit, you can't just click and win anymore. Teams have dips and variations in form, it happens IRL and it happens in game too.

Patience and common sense will get you there, and I'm sure that soon you will be able to recommence enjoying the game you used to love

I have every sympathy with the fella. It is a frustrating game. I went first season finishing 6th and didn't lose at home. Second season I have lost 3 out of first 6 and drawn 2 and haven't had a shot at goal in 2 games. I'm not a click and win player but it's helpful to see a rhyme and reason why things seem to stop working and when they do it's difficult not to tinker. it's the first game that I feel is very very random and just seems a lottery whether you win or lose.

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it's the first game that I feel is very very random and just seems a lottery whether you win or lose.

That's exactly how I feel about FM13. Even when I win, I feel like it's not down to me, and I don't get any satisfaction from it. I've even scrapped saves when I've been performing well just because it makes me feel like this.

And I also agree with the "too much hard work" statement. They've made it too real, too much of a job. I'm all for detail, but it's just not fun. It's not the old FM. I'd play FMC, but they've taken away things that didn't need to be taken away, like database & league selection.

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Maybe SI will take note & realise that game speed was not the issue that needed to be addressed when designing FMC, what appears to be the biggest complaint with FM is that all the extra stuff outside of squad selection & playing matches is too complex & time consuming, it's all the extra stuff that adds to how long it takes to play FM.

FMC can be the fun pick up & play version but it does need to allow full customisation of loaded leagues & player database, we didn't have the 3 nation restriction on CM3 & that is commonly considered the most fun version in the series, if anything needs to be stripped down or removed in FMC it's the player morale/happiness system as that would reduce the game down to simply acquiring the best players & picking a sensible tactic.

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if anything needs to be stripped down or removed in FMC it's the player morale/happiness system as that would reduce the game down to simply acquiring the best players & picking a sensible tactic.

Exactly, player morale has existed for a long time in CM/FM, but in older versions it didn't have such an impact on player's performance. In my favourite version of this game, CM 01/02, players could be unhappy, but they'd still play reasonably well. Unrealistic as it is, it didn't seem to bother anyone at the time.

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you know what pick a top team make a basic 4-4-2 dont try to tweak anything then build from there once your happy then maybe trying a lower league team. i tried with poor teams and i was terrible so went back to my man u save made a tatic that could work for anyone and now i am loving the game

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Some great advice on here to be honest. I had same problem on previous version of game until I checked formations for the style of play; I like to play a passing and pressing game so I found formation to suit and over time bring players in who would fit in (don't buy too many in one go). Don't keep making massive tactical changes all the while, biggest mistake you can make, also encourage players even when losing games.

Fluid 4-1-2-2-1 (with Inside forwards)

I change strategy depending on opposition (scout report on opposition vital)

I don't change any sliders except I Press More and I use Zonal Marking

Make decision on who is in your squad, I found a good squad balance as important as having a great player in team and pick players in form and condition.

Lots of tips about tactics and formations etc but everybody plays the game differently

I like start at bottom of pyramid so I start usually Conference P/N/S side and bide my time wait for new managerial offers and move if better club than I currently have

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I've had some shocking saves this FM. Just part of the game. With Newcastle i raped, with Peterborough i was shocking. With Spurs i dominated, started a journeyman save sacked at Havant after 14 months. Up and down but i enjoy it.

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I've always just have one save in the Scottish leagues and I alway dominate but have lost my save after 22 years was gutted, hav started a new one with Truro and have to say its solid to start with as in admin struggling after 4 seasons in the bss, I have 5 or 6 players that are interested in signing for me out of 50000 player database which seriously does my head in, so I'm having to try and develop my youth team to a decent standard to do anything as I can't sign no one ha but it's what makes it harder for me so it's all good

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I have FM13, I've played around 15 hours. Never got into it, it's just too much. Stuck to FM12, and I'll keep playing it until I see a version that is fun like FM10/11/12 were. And if not, I'll just stick around with 12.

And no, I don't like FMC either. I don't want a watered-down, easier version. Thanks though.


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