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New Online League

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Hello, I am new to the community but have played FM for few years. I am looking to join an online league or to create one as I would like to play against other people. I have no idea how I go about doing this. I would like to play in the English lower leagues, L2/BSP or BSS/BSN and I would like to know if anyon else is interested. I have FM2012 at the moment.

Furthermore, how does it work in terms of how long the matches are, I know you can choose the length of a game, does everyone have to play the games at the same speed. For example, if you set up a match for full game does the other player have to play it or can they shorten it if the want to and what if players can't agree on the length or speed of a match?

May seem like silly questions but I would like to know because I am bored of playing the computer.


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FM12 was imo pretty poor in terms of speed online, as was it with all the versions before. But with this years game online is held through Steam servers which I would of thought would make the game a lot better online this year, though I've not tried online myself yet this year.

I would also recommend checking out the online forum here: http://community.sigames.com/forumdisplay.php/20-FM-Online

Would also recommend getting this years game as it's an improvement on last years imo, can be picked up on Amazon now for around £16.

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You can ask to join a clan game via the online forum, or use the steam discussion boards and leave a message asking to join online games. Both methods are a bit hit and miss though since you're relying on people getting back to you, which could take hours or days, or even weeks.

FM should have an online lobby like other games do, where you can log on and see what online games are in progress, how many players there are, what leagues are used, rules, and whether or not its open to new players to join. Would make getting an online game much easier than the current messageboard method.

As far as I can remember from FM12 (where I played some online games) the game host determines what speed the match is played at. From experience most online matches are played on the fastest or near fastest speed, with key highlights - extended if you're lucky. There seems to be an emphasis on getting through as many matches as quickly as possible in online games - which is unfortunate if you're like me and like to watch the games in full or comprehensive mode and at normal speed without having to worry about a host forcing you to rush through your game.

When I finally get a better PC I'll set up a large online league and host my own games for players who want to play at a slower pace and enjoy watching games in detail. Hopefully it'll be something I'll set up for fm14.

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Welcome to the forums- as suggested, the place for you will be the FM Online forum, but please make sure that you read the forum guidelines at the top of that forum before posting and post in the correct thread.

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