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Unrealistic Transfers Filter

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For some reason, it seems to filter out James Rodrigez, even though I did manage to sign him with Anzhi. Can someone enlighten me on the mechanism behind the filter? It's frustrating when it fillers out potential signings.

P.S. Has this anything to do with the quality of the assistant manager?

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Assistant has something to do with it, but there are a number of factors

Stature of the club: if you are a small club going through a good spell you will still find it harder to sign a player than bigger club in a bad patch.

Finances: If the players required wage is higher than your budget would allow then the assistant will often block them out.

League/nation: Sometimes European players wont want to sign for a north/south American league or visa versa. Sometimes Players don't want to drop a league ie Prem-championship championship-league 1 etc

Sometimes its worth turning the filter off and trying your look on 'unrealistic' players. Usually they have no interest in signing, but you never know, sometimes you get lucky, especially on free transfers.

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You do get a ot of players who are "Not interested" but like the other said, might be interested with enough money thrown at them. So in short, if you want to absolutely not miss out on any you'll have to live without the filter.

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