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[QUESTION] Adding both Nation and Continental rules?


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Hello guys!

I'm running a custom league with my friends based in England with custom teams, rules, players etc.

Obviously, I've made new nation rules.

Now we've decided that we should start the game from scratch and put in an Intercontinental (Like FIFA Club World Cup but with more teams) competition with real world teams.

I tried using 2 different editor data files, but I can't select my custom league in the other file since I can't add it to the other file.

Can I make a new IC competition? How do I make it since I can't add new nation/continental/international rules?

I will answer to any questions if I explained unaccurate.

Looking for help from experienced editors :)


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  • 4 years later...

Thanks for responding. I have now remade the continental rules from scratch but I did it the lazy way and just entered the rules, quickly made the countries and made enough teams so the rules would work just calling them A-P . Of course, when I load it the clubs A-P get uploaded instead. 


I have attached them below. Just to let you know, in case it makes any difference. I have created four fictitious nations in Oceania in the same nation rules, with only one playable, the other three were created for continental competition purposes only. I was also hoping to create some international rules as well so I could get these countries to compete. After this though, I'm not sure how I could get that to work.


Thanks for your help, it is much appreciated.



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