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Graphic Folder

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Guys, my FM 2013 (steam) was installed in D directory while the "my document" files were automatically installed to C (main drive). Problem is, my C space is running low, while my fm's graphic folder is taking a lot of spaces. Is it possible to make my fm load its graphic from my D drive? Thanks :D

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I know very little about anything, but shouldn't you be able to open up a drive window for both C: and D:, and just drag the graphic folder into the correct file on the D: drive? It SHOULD transfer the file over (at least it always works for me.)

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Yes, you can. Go to Preferences - Saving. There you can change the location of your game files. First, make a new folder on your D drive (call it whatever you like), then copy all content from your old location (folder) to the new one. Set the new location (your newly made folder) in the game's Preferences - Saving, using the Change Folder button. Restart game. If everything works, delete the old folder(s). Beware that this will move ALL of your personal game related folders to the new location - including saves.

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