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Deceptively Good Players

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You know those players; there's always one who seems to consistently perform above and beyond his average-looking stats.

Meet Owain Ainsworth, Cambridge United's Mr. Dependable. I brought him in on a free from Bangor City while in the Championship; he looked like a decent prospect and squad player. But he has steadily worked his way to becoming one of the first names on the teamsheet, fans' player of the year for two seasons running and a key figure in the club's rise to becoming Premiership and Champions League winners.

His key FB stats are good, though not excellent, and his key strength is consistency. But he's only fairly professional and not very determined. I am still scratching my head a little as to why he is now rated as one of the top left-backs in the world, worth £21.5m and averages about 7.50 over four seasons in the Premiership. My team report highlights him as way below the level of the rest of my team but I'm sticking with him because he's just so reliable!

What makes this guy so good?


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I've got one on my Valencia save. He's a 22 year old French DMC regen. I picked him up at the age of 17 as he looked quality for his age and my scouts rated him potentially as a 4 star 'leading la liga midfielder'.

By the age of 22 my coaches are saying he's a 'decent player' who is currently playing at his full potential rated at 2 stars and the 3rd best DMC in the squad. His stats are very average compared to my talent filled team but the thing is he consistently performs and has averaged a 7.55 for his career. I even sold my (regen) 26 yr old Brazilian international DMC for £37m as the French guy out performs him despite his current value of just £4m.

To look at him you'd think he was just a very average player, but a look at his career stats shows a completely different story.

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This guy's an easy one to see why he plays so well. He is a physical monster who is good at tackling and has a high workrate. Strength, tackling, marking, balance, workrate and stamina are all above 15. Decent anticipation, bravery, positioning, acceleration, pace and concentration. His weaknesses, except maybe passing, are all in places that he'd probably never even need to use. I don't see how your coach can only give him a 2 and a half star rating tbh, and I don't see how you can't tell he's class from just taking a quick look at him.

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Recently in my Birmingham save I picked up a guy named Michelis Konstantinou or something like that on a free transfer in the championship.. a mediocre 35 years old target man, but had just a few attributes that I tought looked nice, even if my scouts keep saying he is 2 stars and all that... result: scored 17 goals in 12 games.. after been promoted he is still in my starting 11, for now.. too bad he is so old, he wont last much

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Others have already pointed it out, but physically and mentally, that guy is a beast. High work rate, team work, etc also helps and his necessary technical stats are good. Shame about his passing, but you can't have everything.

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The guys a beast! 6ft 4 full back who's strong as an ox, quick as greased lightning and gets up and down the wing all day long? What's not to like!? So what if he puts in the odd bad cross. He'll be involved in so much attacking play because of his fitness and work rate that he's bound to put some great balls into the box simply because of the percentage game!

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The guys a beast! 6ft 4 full back who's strong as an ox, quick as greased lightning and gets up and down the wing all day long? What's not to like!? So what if he puts in the odd bad cross. He'll be involved in so much attacking play because of his fitness and work rate that he's bound to put some great balls into the box simply because of the percentage game!

Yeah Micah Richards comes to mind. I like watching him play.

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indeed, as Fairbairn says. the guy is a block in the defense. tall, strong, tackler, inteligent... i like full backs with good crossing, so i would probably retraing that guy to CB position.

Yeah, I did start retraining him as a CB when I signed him, but there seems to be a real dearth of left-backs in my game. There aren't many LBs better than him, and those that are are about half his size, so there's a trade-off. Anyway he's doing pretty well at LB.

This guy's an easy one to see why he plays so well... I don't see how you can't tell he's class from just taking a quick look at him.

Well, yes, he's obviously a good player, I wouldn't have signed him otherwise. My point is I wouldn't look at him and think he was one of the top LBs in the world. Maybe I give too much weight to technical stats, but I'd certainly be reluctant to part with £30m+ to sign him, which is what he would cost.

I guess there's a bit of a conflict in the game engine going on. On the one hand, my coaches don't rate him highly at all and on the other he is performing brilliantly against all opposition. I give up on the star ratings, once you get to the top they don't seem reliable at all.

Anyone know what skin this is?

Um... it's just the regular FM13 skin. :)

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I don't know how you couldn't rate him as a CL quality player. Pretty much all his key attributes are at least 14, and even then his weaknesses aren't too bad, and are mainly in attributes that don't matter much to his position. It's a no brainer.

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