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FM wish list: reputation/skill building

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Everyone has their wishlist for the game, so here's mine (apologies if this has been brought up, I searched around for this and couldn't find it): my favorite part of the online game was that your ability as a manager was limited at the beginning. You picked a specialty (coaching, scouting, financial, etc...) and then as you played you could specialize in different categories to build your attributes.

I would love to see this sort of gameplay worked into the regular FM. It would mean that building a career and building a team might take longer and it would mean that you would have to particularly specialize in how you want to build your team.

Right now, there are badges that you get as you play, but these don't amount to much. What if by winning a promotion or by achieving something minor, you increased your ability to scout players/coach attacking?

It's on my wish list, thought I'd share it.

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Everyone has their wishlist for the game, so here's mine (apologies if this has been brought up, I searched around for this and couldn't find it): my favorite part of the online game was that your ability as a manager was limited at the beginning. You picked a specialty (coaching, scouting, financial, etc...) and then as you played you could specialize in different categories to build your attributes.

I would love to see this sort of gameplay worked into the regular FM. It would mean that building a career and building a team might take longer and it would mean that you would have to particularly specialize in how you want to build your team.

Right now, there are badges that you get as you play, but these don't amount to much. What if by winning a promotion or by achieving something minor, you increased your ability to scout players/coach attacking?

It's on my wish list, thought I'd share it.

It's interesting that you mentioned the online game, which I assume was FM Live. In my opinion, something like this has no place in FM - it just doesn't really fit. If it was part of FM Classic then fair enough, or a separate part from full-fat FM, but I would be against locking parts of the game to those who don't play it extensively.

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The main problem with adding more RPG-style elements to the player end is that it's extremely difficult to balance it so it wouldn't just be another system potentially giving the player a disproportionate advantage over the AI. In actual RPG development, you get around that by creating zones of varying difficulty level, but as games like Skyrim demonstrate, it's extremely difficult to make an "open world" realistically challenging for high level characters without also making it absurdly difficult for low level characters.

With that said, I wouldn't mind seeing something like a CA-based, Match Prep-bonus-style trait system on the AI end to give AI managers more personality and make staff CA more important for AI managers, but I'm probably in the minority.

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