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Psycho's Flipside Super League

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For the last month or so I’ve been working on a World Super League which is about 80% complete but due to several factors mainly the slow processing speed and the fact that many things that work as they should in FM12 don’t in FM13 I've put that on hold and in the last couple of days have come up with a much smaller but still different and fun database, let me Introduce you to the...

Psycho's Flipside Super League

84 of the best teams in Fm13 based on reputation take part in two league systems, the first being The World Club League System...

World Club Elite

World Club Premier

World Club Championship

World Club League 1

World Club League 2

World Club League 3

World Club League 4

All the above leagues have 12 teams each that play each other twice between August and January With a 3 up 3 down promotion/relegation system (no promotion from top league and no relegation from bottom league)

I have set Squad Registration and rules but taking into account that with a custom database you cant use unregistered U21 players I have made the squad size 35 with no more than 25 over 23's and a minimum of 3 U23's 4 U21's and 3 U19's.

To place the teams in the leagues I used their last position(from their RL domestic leagues so teams that were placed 1st end up in the top league and those placing 2nd in the next league etc. Where there were too many teams with the last position for a league then it came down to reputation.

For Prize money, awards and referee details see below.

The second league system is The World Secondary League System...

World Secondary Elite

World Secondary Premier

World Secondary Championship

World Secondary League 1

World Secondary League 2

World Secondary League 3

World Secondary League 4

As the World Club leagues each league have 12 teams and the same promotion/relegation places but they run between January and May. No squad registration or rules(I wanted them but for some reason the game wont recognize them in game)

To place the teams in these leagues I simply reversed the World Club teams so the teams in the World Cub Elite are in World Secondary League 4

Prize money starting in the World Club Elite/World Secondary Elite is 50m going down to 11.2m for the World Club League 4/World Secondary League 4

TV money is set at 45m for all World Club Leagues (none in World Secondary Leagues)

Parachute payments is set up for World Secondary Leagues (none in World Club Leagues)apart from League 4 which has no relegation but 2m has been added to the last 3 positions in the prize money for this league.


There are three main cups in the database which are...

World Series Cup - A FA cup style competition for all 84 teams over 7 KO rounds

Prize money allocated + awards.

The Sir Alex Ferguson U23 cup – Another FA style cup for all 84 teams but for U23 players only

Prize Money Allocated.

The Norman Bates Trophy – A Super Cup for winners of the World Club Elite and World Secondary


Prize money allocated.

Reserve & U19 Leagues and Cups

A customized league system for all 84 teams has been set up containing 4 leagues and 1 cup for the Reserve & U19 teams.


Awards have been set for all the main leagues and World Series Cup, the only flaw is the Goal awards don't work (I've tried different setting but nothing seems to work).


To be able to get the top referees around the world to oversee the matches I've had to change their nationality to Spain.

All other things that matter

To stop the teams in the Flipside Super Leagues competing in Europe I've changed their nation and

continental cup nation to Spain, their Base Nation remains as their true nation however to allow the regens to come from their correct nation.


The U19 Champions cup has also been customized as due to running a customized reserve league the main teams were entering this, I tried to change it so the Flipside teams didn’t take part but it only runs for 1 season then ceases to schedule.

All other leagues have been fixed so if you want to know what life in the English, Italian, German etc leagues would be like without the big teams you can. Also fixed the Capitol One Cup so it runs properly with the reshuffle.



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The world secondary pyramid will undoubtedly put out some interesting results as time goes on.

I am looking forward to giving this a go. I am a fan of your leagues although I cant remember the last time I played one since I have gotten stuck in my vanilla save for FM13.

Your world super eights DB was interesting, I never had proper game with it though. How difficult would it be for you to recreate it in FM13?

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The world secondary pyramid will undoubtedly put out some interesting results as time goes on.

I am looking forward to giving this a go. I am a fan of your leagues although I cant remember the last time I played one since I have gotten stuck in my vanilla save for FM13.

Your world super eights DB was interesting, I never had proper game with it though. How difficult would it be for you to recreate it in FM13?

Having the teams reversed in the secondary league system means that during the 1st 3-5 seasons the teams become fairly equal due to Prize money and league reputations and in the tests I've done theres never been a team that completely runs away and wins everything , the worst I've seen is clubs have a 2 year dominance and then someone else pops up and wins and not always a team like Man City, Barcelona or Bayern.

Super 8's is one of my favorites which formed the basis of the FM World Database which alas isn't possible to do with the state of this years editor, however one of those databases will be making a comeback for FM14 if they sort all the problems with the editor or hopefully even rebuild the editor from scratch.

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Sorry for the delay in uploading but I've run into a bit of a strange problem where the game is freezing when processing. The strange bit is that its random seasons though the date range is always the 1st-2nd week of June, the only games that run in these weeks is friendlies and I've checked a save game where the game is working a day or before the freeze and all custom leagues/cups have finished so its not a case of matches clashing and the season update date is June 24th so it shouldn't be anything to do with that as its 2-3 weeks before thats due.

I've just cleared my cache and verified the integrity of the game cache in the editor and am running tests to see if this solves the problem, if it doesn't I'm going to upload the Db and save-game files to the FTP and post in the Editor Bugs forum to see if they have any clues why this is happening.

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Everything sorted, problem was caused by having other FM processes running at same time. So the Download link is in the OP along with a link for Screen-shots (takes to long to upload screen-shots on this site). I took some screen-shots of the club reps in FM Genie so you can see how the reps become more equal between teams with the flipside league systems. Any questions/feedback welcome.

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Psycho, what are the major problems with this year's editor?

I've not even attempted to make a file this year (for the first time in many years).

Where to start !! lol

Major bugs -

In nation rules, you cant use promoted to/relegated to divisions in sub divisions to get teams to correctly go into their regional divisions especially if you want to use play-offs (been told it might work if regional divisions are entered into teams)

The game completely ignores championship play-offs (in history and) and just gives the league leader the accolade and European football if thats the reward.

Game refuses to acknowledge any type of goal award ie goal of the week/month/year.

Haven't tried it yet but pretty sure international ranking wont work as noticed in last years editor their were numbers next to the nations but missing this year.

Minor Bugs -

Game freezes while processing when testing when you have more than one FM process running

If you swap a manager via club screen the previous manager becomes assistant manager

Cant filter Number of changes when adding clubs to competition in competition tab

When placing non national teams in competitions main team or secondary some teams nation and based nation change to the competitions nation.

there is more but I cant remember them for now, my advice would be unless you have hours to spare to constantly check and double check whether errors are your fault or the games and then find workarounds for the problems keep away from this years editor.

I really hope the Editor gets a major overhaul for FM14 as in its current state if they add new features to the game it wont be in a fit state to even do the most basic editing.

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I really hope so too. One more bug, strictly English related. If you change the English NT manager, Hodgson is still displayed in staff section... without a role (even if you make him a manager of another nation!). In my 92/93 database I made Graham Taylor the manager and Hodgson the manager of Switzerland. The effect? The editor sees two Hodgsons and the game sees (fortunately) only the Swiss one, but it made Taylor... extinct. I mean, there is his name, but he's "hidden" like chairmen - you can't open his file.

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