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Loading players from other nations/divisions

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If I choose to load all players from a particular division or country at the beginning of my save but don't actually run the league as playable, does that mean that as the current in game players retire, the number of players from said nation/division dramatically drops?

Or will the game continue to keep the balance the way I had set it out to begin with and continue loading plenty of regens into the unplayable nation/division?

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Does anyone know?

The reason I ask is that I'd like to holiday for some 10 seasons with one nation loaded and then take over a team in that nation and stick with it. At that point, I'd like a reasonably large database to allow for greater potential to sign players but I want to know if there is any point in me loading lots of players into the game to begin with if 10 years on when they all retire the nations/divisions which I loaded players from are stripped bare.

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It will keep calculating it as normal, only difference being leagues without a human manage in their division default to a "simple" match calculation rather than fully-fleshed out matches. Or such is my understanding.

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