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I always find myself doing that! Nothing to be embarrassed about! I have a habit of quietly murmuring 'tackle' when my team don't have the ball. If we score I often find myself doing a mini fist pump and congratulating the player who scored (using their nickname I have given them of course!). If it is a really important goal I sometimes sing a little chant about the player who has scored. It all adds to the beauty of the game!

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I've started talking to the monitor during games...

Just caught myself saying "well done son!" out loud after a goal.


Still playing FM09? :D

One of the more positive moments I've had on FM13 (despite my moaning) was when I bought Lars Bender for United, and the second goal he scored was so good, I actually applauded. :o

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After my pixels scored a goal against some other pixels in the last minute I yelled, "oh i love you" and my wife was bemused as to why i wasn't looking at her, but at my computer screen.

Haha they are't pixels in the game, in the game they are real life you enter the fm world to simulate your own nothing wrong with it;)

I have mutterings to myself about players during matches

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  • 3 months later...

Playing the game is just about the only time I full on swear out loud in front of my children. The most disgusting words in the English language it is too. :(

Not even real football on the tv brings out this maniac, monster raving up's and down's shouting/talking at a computer screen showing just a computer game.

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I've started talking to the monitor during games...

Just caught myself saying "well done son!" out loud after a goal.


I do that all the time. Unashamedly. It makes the same amount of sense as doing it while watching a live game on TV!

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I've been watching my girlfriend's son's under 16 matches and found myself criticising out loud like I do watching FM and getting some odd looks from the kids' parents. Must remember where real life starts and ends!!!

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