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Laptop Upgrade Help

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Hi guys, first of all sorry for posting this in here if its the wrong section. I'm looking for some laptop assistance, looking to upgrade for FM13 and then FM14 when its released. At the minute I have the below spec, I've just bought an OCZ Vertex 3 120gb SSD and now I'm looking at the best processor, do I stick with what I have or move to a Core 2 Duo T9900 (3.07ghz). I have thought about buying new but I have the ability to upgrade these parts for say around £200 v a new laptop at say £500-£1000. Also thinking of moving to 8gb memory but not sure if it will help. Mainly use the machine for FM, browsing/streaming, listening to music and watching films.

Let me know your thoughts.

Processor - Quad Core Q9000 (2.0ghz)

HDD - 500gb 5400rpm

Memory - 4gb 1066mhz (Not 100% on speed)

Graphics - 1gb ATi 4670

Thanks for looking,


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you cant just change a laptop cpu

you either buy a new laptop, or buy a new laptop

Hi mate, the laptop I have allows CPU, GPU, memory and the addition of a second HDD. I know normally this isn't the case but fortunately this one does allow it.



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Temperatures and power demands. Are you sure your laptop can handle both the extra demands on the power supply, if you swap a Q9000 with a Q9900, and the the extra heat it will produce? I sure hope you really know what you're doing ... laptops are rarely straight forward, even if you can get the new parts to fit physically. Will your BIOS accept the swap, for example?

Anyway; I wouldn't bother with upgrading the processor. You will see very little difference in performance, if at all. Not worth neither the money nor the effort.

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Temperatures and power demands. Are you sure your laptop can handle both the extra demands on the power supply, if you swap a Q9000 with a Q9900, and the the extra heat it will produce? I sure hope you really know what you're doing ... laptops are rarely straight forward, even if you can get the new parts to fit physically. Will your BIOS accept the swap, for example?

Anyway; I wouldn't bother with upgrading the processor. You will see very little difference in performance, if at all. Not worth neither the money nor the effort.

It would be a T9900 mate, as far as I'm aware runs at a lower voltage so heat should be the same maybe even less?

according to benchmarks the both CPU's are equal, the Q9000 is even better because its a quadcore..

why would you change a quadcore for a dualcore?

I'm thinking along the lines of processor speed though mate, does FM really make full use of the extra cores or is base speed more likely to improve the speed of the game as the T9900 is whole 1ghz faster?

Thanks both for the replies

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I have a quad core, a i7 920. FM uses all 4 cores during processing, sometimes all 8 threads (4 physical cores + 4 logical cores; HyperThreading) during the heaviest processing. So I'm guessing a quad core would be speedier for FM, regardless of core frequency. But again, the difference you would see would be miniscule, at best. Times moves fast in the computer world, and your cpu is allready outdated ... replacing it with another cpu from the same "era" won't change much. Adding some more RAM though, is both cheap and potentially beneficial, so go that route.

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I have a quad core, a i7 920. FM uses all 4 cores during processing, sometimes all 8 threads (4 physical cores + 4 logical cores; HyperThreading) during the heaviest processing. So I'm guessing a quad core would be speedier for FM, regardless of core frequency. But again, the difference you would see would be miniscule, at best. Times moves fast in the computer world, and your cpu is allready outdated ... replacing it with another cpu from the same "era" won't change much. Adding some more RAM though, is both cheap and potentially beneficial, so go that route.
this :thup:

Thanks a lot for the replies guys I just wasn't sure if FM would benefit more from the processor speed rather than the cores.

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