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Shirt retiring and/or favourite number

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Obviously a player has to get a favourite number for the option to retire that number to appear.

Except nowhere in the game is it coded for a player to gain a favourite number. I've had a superstar for 15 years now, always with the same number and he's scored over 1000 goals in his Spurs career. But he doesn't care if I number him 9 or 41. Surely that's something that should be added, else the favourite number/retire the shirt thing is fairly pointless after the first few seasons and nearly pointless unless the DB has a specific number in it?

Largely asking because he's coming to the end of his career and if anyone should have their shirt retired, Mr 1100 goal Horacio Veron is the man to retire.

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What happens if someone plays the game for centuries and after enough time has 1 player at each squad number who is so good they all get retired eventually?

Nations which require certain squad numbers to be used don't allow shirt retirement.

I might suggest that other practical difficulties would get in the way before running out of shirts.

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The shirt retirement is a pain, but not the deal breaker.

The problem is that shirt number has no tracking and no generation, and so no regen will ever have a favourite number, thus no regen can ever have their shirt retired even if they are statistically the greatest player the world has ever seen.

That was really my key point. Regens need to keep track of which number they play in. If they suddenly get six months loan at a club they can return with that team forever in their favourite club. The algorithm that works that out should be applied to "first big career success playing in shirt #x".

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So few players have favourite numbers that I have no idea if it's random. Because no regens get favourite numbers it's impossible to tell beyond playing the first few seasons over and over.

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