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Fantasy FM 2013?


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I don't know how many of you remember FM Live, but they had an option of playing a fantasy database or using real players.

I was wondering if anyone has created a FM world where every player is randomly generated. I realize there is a "Use Real Players" tab, but all that does is change superficial data. I can still go to Barcelona or Real Madrid and find the "regen" version of Messi or Ronaldo. I'm looking for something completely random.

Or if anyone knows how I can edit this myself, that would be great.

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If you have the "generate players for playable teams" option ticked, it will make it so every team in the game gets randomly generated players if you remove all their players. Of course, unless you delete the player outright, he'll still appear as available on a freebie, but if you delete players you'd recognise and untick "use real players" then you'd most likely have a fully fake game.

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