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Wage bill and getting Bosman's

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It is January I have just moved to a club with several overpaid numpties.

I would like to replace them in the summer with some Bosman signings.

The problem is I am currently right on my maximum wage budget of £16250, if I try to sign a player the wages I can offer are very limited (£300pw for a first team player), which is fair enough given the current wage bill.

So I set for release 3 of my numpties with a total salary of nearly £3000, but have found that this does not effect the amount I can pay my Bosmans even though their contract will not start until the others are released.

Looking at the players I have released I can not see anything that says they will not be at the club much longer or similar though the "set for release" button has gone

Have I done something wrong?

I am playing Classic if it makes a difference

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It is January I have just moved to a club with several overpaid numpties.

I would like to replace them in the summer with some Bosman signings.

The problem is I am currently right on my maximum wage budget of £16250, if I try to sign a player the wages I can offer are very limited (£300pw for a first team player), which is fair enough given the current wage bill.

So I set for release 3 of my numpties with a total salary of nearly £3000, but have found that this does not effect the amount I can pay my Bosmans even though their contract will not start until the others are released.

Looking at the players I have released I can not see anything that says they will not be at the club much longer or similar though the "set for release" button has gone

Have I done something wrong?

I am playing Classic if it makes a difference

Have you released them, or just set for release? If it's the latter, they'll leave the club at the end of their contracts, so will remain on the wage bill until then. Of course, whether they should free up those wages or not given there won't be an overlap for Bosman signings or not is up for discussion. I guess they won't because you could conceivably sign players not on Bosman and go way over your budget.

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Thanks for the input.

I had just set them for Set for release, otherwise I wouldn't have any back-up players for the rest of the season.

I might try offering key player contracts but a lot of players greatly increase their wage demand if you do so and I suspect they might also get upset if they only play half the games next season.

My other option is to limit myself to signing England based players, kick out the dross at the end of the season (May) and offer contract to the new players on the 1st June.

It would be nice if when you have set players for release the amount you can offer wages depends on the start date of their contract but I guess that is something for future releases.

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