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Potential Ability

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Hello gents.

I started a new database edited by myself to introduce some wonderkids into the game, however, the players I had edited were not the quality I had put them at.

I had put some players from the same club as -10 and was wondering if this was why it didn't work. Is there a limit?

thanks for any help.

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the players I had edited were not the quality I had put them at

What do you mean by this exactly?

A PA of -10 gives players a PA from between 170 and 200, the scouts/coaches you use to give star ratings of potential have a degree of error depending on how good their "judging player potential" rating is.

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I opened the editor and changed alot of players potential ability to -10.... When I saved it and started a new game only some of the players I edited had very high potential and some I had edited were not.

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The star rating you see is not a complete indicator of their exact potential ability score. Did you happen to adjust the mental stats that are critical to a player reaching their potential? If not they will likely be random and as such may mean that even though a player has a 185 PA he may be unlikely to reach it, and your scout can see this and rates him at 4* as a consequence.

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