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Way too hard...

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I've at times had games i've enjoyed on this version, but I'm at breaking point now. Played this since the early days of CM and always got excited about the future Fm's. The tactics for me are just ridiculous. Played a few different games in as many different leagues and it doesn't matter how many shots or how much possesion I have the opposition are just more deadly in front of goal or my defenders slack off while marking or play a ridiculous pass that leads to a goal in the penalty box. I watch the highlights only and a lot of the time I can have 60% possesion with sometimes triple the amount of shots on target as the opposition but I'll have maybe one highlight of the opponent scoring?! Yes as a one off I can see this happening but this can go on and on for more than the odd match. It seems the game is based completely on tactics which really doesn't make any sense to me at all. I've downloaded other peoples tactics and when they don't work I've tried tweaking them myself with no success. Having better players than the opposition doesn't mean a thing as you need to have perfect tactics to get anything out of them. Seeing as I can't be bothered to go out and get a real Coaching licence it seems like this game is beyond me now as it's the only way to decipher the tactics on this game. I'll be giving next year a miss...

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Unfortunately, FM is now for hardcore players only. If you're not a tactics wizard, you dont have a snowballs chance in hell anymore.

SI wanted to make the game more realistic, they made it harder and more stupid and frustrating instead. Tito Vilanova doesnt need perfect tactics for his Barcelona to beat a relegation team. In FM, sadly, you do.

Game is not fun anymore.

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Unfortunately, FM is now for hardcore players only. If you're not a tactics wizard, you dont have a snowballs chance in hell anymore.

SI wanted to make the game more realistic, they made it harder and more stupid and frustrating instead. Tito Vilanova doesnt need perfect tactics for his Barcelona to beat a relegation team. In FM, sadly, you do.

Game is not fun anymore.

Completely agree, but don't mention it or you may get set upon by the fan boys or directed to the tactics forum. Still we can play the watered down version...

I presume you must have missed all the threads where people have got long unbeaten streaks, consecutive promotions, league title after league title etc etc.

SI made a decision a long time ago that they wanted FM to be more realistic and not an "Arcade" game and yes FM13 is harder than previous versions but it probably needs to be harder still in the future.

If this means the game is not for you thats fair enough but don't blame those of us that don't want to sit and press the space bar and win 99% of games every season!

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Unfortunately, FM is now for hardcore players only. If you're not a tactics wizard, you dont have a snowballs chance in hell anymore.

SI wanted to make the game more realistic, they made it harder and more stupid and frustrating instead. Tito Vilanova doesnt need perfect tactics for his Barcelona to beat a relegation team. In FM, sadly, you do.

Game is not fun anymore.

I'm sorry but this is simply wrong.

I'm no tactics wizard, I make one over the course of 2-3 friendlies (redone after each patch) and then use it for every game. I use 2 shouts in every game.

People need to make a solid tactic and then stop tinkering like a madman each time they concede a goal. It isn't as hard as people make out, and you can have success using the pre-set tactics that come with the game.

FM 13 is harder, but it isn't half as hard as people try to convince themselves it is. Conceding a goal doesn't mean you need to be a tactics wizard, losing 3 in a row because you changed the tactic wildly every 45 mins and players couldn't settle doesn't mean you need to be a wizard.

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Not at all, I have saves where I've won everything and got bored of it. Then I start a new save and and can't win a single game. To me the game seems completely random and the only chance you have is getting your tactics spot on. This isn't how it works in real life as other aspects come in to it. Why does everybody have to be a tactical genius to play a management simulation?

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Completely agree, but don't mention it or you may get set upon by the fan boys or directed to the tactics forum. Still we can play the watered down version...

completely disagree.

after winning 3 league titles and my second champs league in 6 years with liverpool (won first league title in 1st season signing only 1 new player) i left to take over brighton as i thought it would be a new "challenge". they had just been relegated to league 1 and i can safely say 4 seasons and 2 consecutive european placed premier league finishes later (promotion as league 1 champs, promotion through championship playoffs, 6th prem, 5th prem), as well as getting to the europa league semi finals this season (only losing to tottenham), that this game is certainly not too hard, in fact, i would argue the other way if i didnt see so many people whining about it being too hard.

i have used 1 tactic, which was made using the tactics creator and the only things i have changed is to turn long shots down to none on every player and tinker some of the through ball sliders. other than that its all common sense with touchline shouts and team mentality (attack, defensive, counter etc).

at first i found it a bit hard, but that was because i was looking at it like every other version including fm12. you dont win exclusively through pace and dribbling ability any more and you cant exploit the match engine in the same way. pace is still nice, but its far from the be all and end all.(my best player has 11 pace and 9 acceleration, and influences games in the same way alonso does for Real/Spain).

rather than whine about it, how about going to the tactics forum like everyone else will tell you and see if you cant resolve it.

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Not at all, I have saves where I've won everything and got bored of it. Then I start a new save and and can't win a single game. To me the game seems completely random and the only chance you have is getting your tactics spot on. This isn't how it works in real life as other aspects come in to it. Why does everybody have to be a tactical genius to play a management simulation?

You don't need to be a tactical genius but you do need to have a basic understanding of tactics along with other skills, for example:

A) Be able to identify a good player from a bad player therefore understanding the attributes.

B) Be able to manage your squad, this involves understanding a players personality and controlling their morale through teamtalks etc to get the best out of them.

C) Be able to understand the flow of a football match, when to attack, when to defend and what to do when you go behind or go in front and how to adapt to what the opposition do.

Make no mistake FM is an in depth game and more time & effort you put into it the more you'll get out of it.

That doesn't mean its for everyone though and there is nothing wrong with saying this isn't for me but don't be negative towards those that do enjoy it.

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Not at all, I have saves where I've won everything and got bored of it. Then I start a new save and and can't win a single game. To me the game seems completely random and the only chance you have is getting your tactics spot on. This isn't how it works in real life as other aspects come in to it. Why does everybody have to be a tactical genius to play a management simulation?

Then why does your OP claim you have no success?

Being a tactical genius doesn't come into it at all

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Not sure how I'm being negative to those that enjoy it? It sure isn't for everyone anymore, still I've lasted longer than anybody I know who has played the series. Shame as I used to count this as my favorite game.

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Not sure how I'm being negative to those that enjoy it? It sure isn't for everyone anymore, still I've lasted longer than anybody I know who has played the series. Shame as I used to count this as my favorite game.

Post 5 in the thread:

Completely agree, but don't mention it or you may get set upon by the fan boys or directed to the tactics forum. Still we can play the watered down version...
Because for the last few months I've been playing it I haven't been able to get one decent save going with any team.

Define a "decent" save, first you claim you don't win enough then you claim you have saves where you've won everything (Post 8) make your mind up as reading between the lines it seems like you are just whining.

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Stop downloading tactics, start playing the game. Head over to the Tactics Forum, check the rules at the top and invest a small fraction of the time you spend on banging your head on the wall doing something useful - that's the easiest recipe to enjoying FM.

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I am whining, I'm whining that the game is now too hard. Hence the title and the whining....

It seems to me you are picking out parts of my posts while completely ignoring anything I say before or after. ''Then I start a new save and and can't win a single game. To me the game seems completely random and the only chance you have is getting your tactics spot on. This isn't how it works in real life as other aspects come in to it. Why does everybody have to be a tactical genius to play a management simulation?''

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From playing the demo (quite extensively now) I can say that I haven't really had any tactical issues, and it seems fairly simple to get a coherent tactic.

Results wise, I honestly feel that this version seems infinitely more random than previous versions. Some people would put this down to AI cheating or strange team talk effects and some would say that it isn't the case at all. For me, it's down to the almost complete lack of variation in play between teams. All teams cross to the backpost, for example, and all teams concede like this. If there is a tactical combination of settings that helps me prevent teams scoring like this against me then I haven't found it yet.

You could show me two matches, one v Stoke and one v ManU and based on how each team moves the ball about and chooses to attack I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

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I am whining, I'm whining that the game is now too hard. Hence the title and the whining....

It seems to me you are picking out parts of my posts while completely ignoring anything I say before or after. ''Then I start a new save and and can't win a single game. To me the game seems completely random and the only chance you have is getting your tactics spot on. This isn't how it works in real life as other aspects come in to it. Why does everybody have to be a tactical genius to play a management simulation?''

I haven't ignored any part of your posts.

Its clear from your posts you fail to understand the game and probably lack an understanding of tactics or at least how to convert them into FM.

The question is are you prepared to learn? If so people will help you and the tactics forum is the place to be, if not then we are all wasting our time and this thread is going nowhere.

Alternatively you could turn this into a useful thread by starting a new save, uploading some screenshots of your chosen team, tell us what you do at the start of a save and people can offer advice.

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To repeat what others have said, I recommend you head over to the Tactics forum for advice. In particular, look out for wwfan's contributions.

If you'd prefer a more arcade version, have you considered FM Handheld?

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I haven't ignored any part of your posts.

Alternatively you could turn this into a useful thread by starting a new save, uploading some screenshots of your chosen team, tell us what you do at the start of a save and people can offer advice.

Ok i'll start a new game in Brazil and see how I get on.

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I am whining, I'm whining that the game is now too hard. Hence the title and the whining....

It seems to me you are picking out parts of my posts while completely ignoring anything I say before or after. ''Then I start a new save and and can't win a single game. To me the game seems completely random and the only chance you have is getting your tactics spot on. This isn't how it works in real life as other aspects come in to it. Why does everybody have to be a tactical genius to play a management simulation?''

Ever considered that those other aspects ARE coming into it? And that's why you're struggling, because you don't know what they are.

On-pitch tactics are one thing.

Morale and man-management is another

Squad building (quality, variation, depth and suitability to your tactic) is a third

Squad improvement, buying, selling and training is another

Luck. Luck comes into football quite a lot. You don't want to have your best season ever the same year as your biggest rival do, but sometimes it happens.

I'd suggest that if you're struggling, you ask for help with what it is you specifically need help with, rather than just ranting about how it's too hard on an internet forum.

Oh, and do you really think Vilanova is a tactical dunce?

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SI can try and make it realistic all they like, but they will never manage it. For one, in real life if a manager could see the attributes of players in a numbered system like you can on FM, then he would win every trophy going no matter what team he was. Another reason is that once you have played a few seasons and restart a new save, you are ging to know who all the good players are and how the youngsters develop, again if a manager could see this in real life then he would turn any club into a super team in 5 years.

Only way they can make results semi realistic is by making results and tactics a bit more random and unrealistic.

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I'm not a tactical genius.

I'm not the most active scouting kind of manager.

I'm not the most interactive manager with regards to press conferences or talking to my players.

Still, I enjoy the game very much and I seem to be doing quite well for myself. Took my Manchester Gregorians team up from the 11th tier to the Blue Square North in 7 seasons, finished 2nd in my first BSN season.. I don't see why people are making such a fuzz about the game getting harder. Maybe it is harder than X years ago, but that's - in my opinion - a huge leap forward. I don't want to be able to sign Messi while playing in the BSN, I don't want to be able to win back to back titles while going on an endless unbeaten run. Challenge me!

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IMO. It's the Match Engine that is the problem not the tactics. Im still playing FM13 despite the flaws and having some sucess but nowhere near the levels i have had in other games. I have create many different tactic over the course of about 30 seasons but the same flaws are visable every match. Defending is poor. Passing is poor, Long shots are far to often and fullbacks cut inside even when told to hug the touchline. Stikers will not run at defenders.

Until the match engine translates our tactical inputs into the game play the game will not be realistic.

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its only harder because we are in transation to a new match engine, fm09 was way harder than fm12 for the simple reason fm12 was the finished article when it comes to match engine progress, so less random ******** happened, once this current match engine gets improved to the point of near perfection i assure you the game will be much easier.

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The problem with FM13 in my opinion is not that it's too hard or too easy ..... it's no longer closer to reality as SI want us to believe and sometimes it just freaks out for some strange reason!!! And to prove this I will mention only one game which I played yesterday:

UEFA Super Cup Final

Arsenal vs Liverpool

Final result after E.T.: 4-7 (not after penalties to make it clear ... but after 120 mins)!!!!

Wow .... that is soooooooo close to reality isn't it?!!?! Ok, I'm happy because I manage Liverpool ... but 7-4 in a Super Cup Final and against Arsenal?!?!? No way it could ever happen in real life! No way. Ok ... I remember when Arsenal and LFC drew 4-4 at Anfield, of course I remember that .... but a Super Cup Final is different. And still, 7-4 is way out of reality!

So, again, I repeat ... it's not a fact that it's too hard or too easy. It's just isn't as close to reality as it once was! Not to mention the stupid Press Conferences as well, but anyway! I don't know what happened to FM but FM13 occasionally (or I must say very regularly) just loses its mind I suppose and these type of results start to come out! Come on SI .... give us something better!

Oh ... I remember another thing, about 2 seasons ago Chelsea won 10-0 against Bristol City (if I'm not mistaken) in the Premiership. I mean, ok I know, with all due respect - Bristol City - but, come on?!!?!! 10-0! And you know what. I was first in the Premier and they were chasing me. I had a very good goal average and obviously, with this result, their goal average was almost as good as mine! I still won the league eventually ... but I mean, come on - GET REAL will ya!!!

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GET REAL will ya!!!

Where to begin...

Why is a Super Cup Final different?

The top English division has seen 8-0, 9-0, 9-1, why should that extending by one goal be considered the end of the world? It happens with about as much regularity in-game as it does in real life...

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IMO. It's the Match Engine that is the problem not the tactics. Im still playing FM13 despite the flaws and having some sucess but nowhere near the levels i have had in other games. I have create many different tactic over the course of about 30 seasons but the same flaws are visable every match. Defending is poor. Passing is poor, Long shots are far to often and fullbacks cut inside even when told to hug the touchline. Stikers will not run at defenders.

Until the match engine translates our tactical inputs into the game play the game will not be realistic.

Have you ever considered its your inputs and not the ME thats at fault?

Lets take your points one by one:

A) Defending is poor - Arsene Wenger once said every goal scored can be attributed to a defensive mistake at some stage. We know that in the last ME there was a problem with the central defenders leaving too much of a gap between them which could be exploited but that has been improved. Even so over every version I consistently can build a team & tactic that concedes less goals than almost any other team in the league. We also have a thread on the first page where people have gone 30 games without conceding a goal so to say the defending is poor is way off.

B) Passing is poor - Looking at the in game stats teams seem to complete 75%-85% of passes in general which compares well with real life stats. If your team isn't in that ball park its something you are doing that causes it.

C) Long shots are far too often - Whats too often? My understanding is that around 35%-40% of shots come from range in real life. If you are seeing more than that then you need to review your tactics and give your players more passing options encouraging them to use them. Even so if you are heavy favourites in a match facing a defensive side you are more likely to see a higher % of long shots due to the limited space your team is allowed.

D) Fullbacks cut inside when told to hug touchline - Maybe there isn't space on the touchline, maybe the space is inside, maybe the opposition use the OI instructions to show your fullbacks inside.

E) Strikers will not run at defenders - They do if you give them the right instructions.

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On my very first 13 save i took a side from the BSN to a point shy of promotion to the Premier league in consecutive seasons with 4 divisional titles along the way, after that I took a side from bottom to top in Brazil & have turned Real Betis from possible relegation candidates to Continental champions in less than 5 years.

I'm confident in saying that this is one of the easiest releases that I've ever played.

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Have you ever considered its your inputs and not the ME thats at fault?

Lets take your points one by one:

A) Defending is poor - Arsene Wenger once said every goal scored can be attributed to a defensive mistake at some stage. We know that in the last ME there was a problem with the central defenders leaving too much of a gap between them which could be exploited but that has been improved. Even so over every version I consistently can build a team & tactic that concedes less goals than almost any other team in the league. We also have a thread on the first page where people have gone 30 games without conceding a goal so to say the defending is poor is way off.

B) Passing is poor - Looking at the in game stats teams seem to complete 75%-85% of passes in general which compares well with real life stats. If your team isn't in that ball park its something you are doing that causes it.

C) Long shots are far too often - Whats too often? My understanding is that around 35%-40% of shots come from range in real life. If you are seeing more than that then you need to review your tactics and give your players more passing options encouraging them to use them. Even so if you are heavy favourites in a match facing a defensive side you are more likely to see a higher % of long shots due to the limited space your team is allowed.

D) Fullbacks cut inside when told to hug touchline - Maybe there isn't space on the touchline, maybe the space is inside, maybe the opposition use the OI instructions to show your fullbacks inside.

E) Strikers will not run at defenders - They do if you give them the right instructions.

agree about the long shots things, when a team sits deep your gonna see more long shots, but what i dont like in fm13 a long shot also seems like a non chance, beause of how often they hit it wide or over the bar, shooting has to be more accurate in this game then testing the goalkeeper from range will be more of a regular thing, which would satisfy me at least that it was a decent chance instead of a non chance with my 20 shots at goal outside the penalty area.

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On my very first 13 save i took a side from the BSN to a point shy of promotion to the Premier league in consecutive seasons with 4 divisional titles along the way, after that I took a side from bottom to top in Brazil & have turned Real Betis from possible relegation candidates to Continental champions in less than 5 years.

I'm confident in saying that this is one of the easiest releases that I've ever played.

The BETA and release MEs were very easy. Now it is marginally harder, but still far too easy (unless you have found some kind of accidental super-tactic)
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Where to begin...

Why is a Super Cup Final different?

The top English division has seen 8-0, 9-0, 9-1, why should that extending by one goal be considered the end of the world? It happens with about as much regularity in-game as it does in real life...

Ok, let's say a Super Cup Final is not different like you're saying (I don't agree with you, but anyway) .... but, tell me, was there a Super Cup Final in history that ended in that result? I will answer for you - NO! Is it possible? Well it's not impossible, nothing is impossible ... but HIGHLY improbable for sure!!!

Yes, I know about those results in the Premier .... and maybe 10-0 is not the end of the world. But, from all the seasons I've played, it was in that particular season that Chelsea got illuminated!! Oh my oh my!

And no, in-game it happens MUCH MORE regularly than in real life - it's a fact unfortunately.

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Ok, let's say a Super Cup Final is not different like you're saying (I don't agree with you, but anyway) .... but, tell me, was there a Super Cup Final in history that ended in that result? I will answer for you - NO! Is it possible? Well it's not impossible, nothing is impossible ... but HIGHLY improbable for sure!!!
Of course its improbable, which is why it happens in one out of every however many hundred-thousand super cup finals people around the world are playing.

In-game it happens just as often as real life in my extensive experience, you need to bear in mind how many seasons you cover in-game across various saves, while the rest of the world is doing the same.

I'm not for a second saying the game is a mirror of reality, or that there is never anything that makes you question what is going on, but that nothing you have shown in any way proves the whole thing is in need of review.

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what teams go into a super cup final to score 7 goals? no team would go in that attacking, they would play more cautious since theres a cup at stake, but as you said you where playing in that final, and you most likely went out with a very attacking tactic and line up, so you opened up at the back and arsenal took the chances that came there way.

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Ok, let's say a Super Cup Final is not different like you're saying (I don't agree with you, but anyway) .... but, tell me, was there a Super Cup Final in history that ended in that result? I will answer for you - NO! Is it possible? Well it's not impossible, nothing is impossible ... but HIGHLY improbable for sure!!!

Yes, I know about those results in the Premier .... and maybe 10-0 is not the end of the world. But, from all the seasons I've played, it was in that particular season that Chelsea got illuminated!! Oh my oh my!

And no, in-game it happens MUCH MORE regularly than in real life - it's a fact unfortunately.

You can only say "its a fact" if you back up your point with supporting documentation otherwise its meaningless.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter what the competition is it is one match between teams of a similar standard, the fact its the Super Cup final makes little difference whatever your opinion.

You were also managing one of those teams (Which?) so had a direct influence on the result. What changes did you make during the game? did you chase the game when behind? defend your lead when in front? basic tactical decisions that any manager would make in real life.

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You can only say "its a fact" if you back up your point with supporting documentation otherwise its meaningless.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter what the competition is it is one match between teams of a similar standard, the fact its the Super Cup final makes little difference whatever your opinion.

You were also managing one of those teams (Which?) so had a direct influence on the result. What changes did you make during the game? did you chase the game when behind? defend your lead when in front? basic tactical decisions that any manager would make in real life.

it seems to me his biggest problem is that arsenal actually made a game of it, if he had won 7-0 there wouldnt even be a discussion here, it would just be his liverpool team is unstoppable nothing more.

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it seems to me his biggest problem is that arsenal actually made a game of it, if he had won 7-0 there wouldnt even be a discussion here, it would just be his liverpool team is unstoppable nothing more.

No, that's not my biggest problem - why do you even 'assume' when you didn't even read my post correctly?!?!?

If I won 7-0 I still wouldn't be happy because it's not a NORMAL / REAL result between LFC & Arsenal. And I don't want my team to be unstoppable either. It can't happen with any team in the world.

If you had the diligence to read my post correctly, MY BIGGEST PROBLEM is the fact that FM13 very regularly freaks out and certain results like this one start to come out. MY BIGGEST PROBLEM is the fact that FM13 is no longer the 'best simulation game ever' ... NOT EVEN CLOSE to reality! That's all. That's my biggest problem vegita!

If I was like many others here, I wouldn't even mention it because at the end of the day I won, right? But even though I won, I decided to mention it because the result is very far from reality!

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What what about Man Utd 8 Arsenal 2 in a competitive league league game rather than a glorified friendly?


These results are rare in single matches but I do feel there are issues with 2 leg ties which does hurt realism, it is a game though & is currently way ahead of any other football game in the reality stakes.

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