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Stop The Temptation!!!

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Something I've struggled with for a few incarnations of FM. Despite my best intentions, 5/10/15+ years of 'keeping it real' with my manager, the Add New Manager button still calls to me. Whether it be out of 'necessity', just to keep myself in the job having almost bankrupt the club I love (a few million from Real won't hurt...will it?), or to DESTROY whoever I feel like watching slide down the tables (bye bye Chelsea), I can't resist.

Would it not be possible to add some feature / option of disabling the add new manager button once you've started a campaign? 10 years down the line, when I'm a little frustrated or bored and decide to break the record transfer fee for my 16 year old fringe player no one has ever heard of, then comes the inevitable feeling of betrayal, revulsion and the breaking of immersion. Disappointment and self loathing quickly follow but I overcome this feeling by adding "LOLZ" as new manager of Barcelona and buying even more of my own players. The cycle continues until I have no desire to load up FM any more, since my 6 month game has been destroyed and any thought of starting again is quashed by feelings I'm too weak of character to maintain a legitimate save. :(

TLDR - Add option to disable "Add New Manager" when starting a new save. (Or sell 'single-player' copies!! :p)

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Haha I remember doing this on CM around 99-01 when I was about 12. 20m was the most you could get if i remember correctly but used to do it all the time. Dont do it now though, feels cheap and dirty to even consider it.

good luck with your addiction.

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Anyone remember offering an amount for a player, offer accepted, click back to news then offer £0 and offer contract??

Can't recall which version this was, but I know it was possible at some point. I never used it though :p

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Ha, glad to see I'm not the only one. If they could just add a checkbox "Disable Add New Manager" at the start of a save - I'd be delighted =D

If you haven't got the self-control to stop yourself adding a manager, how will you even be able to check the box in the first place?

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