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youth developement prefered moves

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This might seem stupid, but I have never noticed it before. I have a head of youth development that has preferred moves from being an old player. I seem to be getting loads of players with the same moves coming through, of diving into tackles and marking tightly, but not the stops play (I think this cant be trained, only taught by tutors).

Is this normal? And will a coach with certain preferred moves be better at training them than coaches who cant?

Seems logical, but as always doesn't mean that its right in game. I hoped he could teach the stops play, but he cant. Maybe this could be added in newer versions

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  • 4 weeks later...

Need to renew my head of youth contract end of this season, any one know if this is right or I am just noticing youths with dives into tackles more because of it?

I am thinking of trying to find a runs with ball often or places shots if it works. Any advice would be great, thanx

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A head of youth will have an underlying preference from players in his own image, if you're seeing too many players like this coming through then it could be worth reporting as a potential bug as he should still try to bring through a balanced group of young prospects.

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