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Striker in 4-2-3-1 formation

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What is the best type of striker in the 4-2-3-1 formation. I have the best striker in the world right now but he is best as a poacher. I am thinking about switching from a 4-1-2-1-2 formation because I just got the best 2nd best winger in the world on a free.

Does a Poacher fit best into that system?

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Well it depends on how you are trying to play.

Also depends on what your striker is capable of. What are his attributes like overall?

Also the tactics forum would be a good place to ask this too.

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A poacher can work as a lone striker, you just need to ensure that he is getting adequate service to make up for his lack if involvement in general play.

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Generally it's best to use a stirker that plays a support role in a lone-striker formation, like a DLF, CF or TM. That's not to say an attack role like a poacher can't work, as long as you have the right settings.

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Generally it's best to use a stirker that plays a support role in a lone-striker formation, like a DLF, CF or TM. That's not to say an attack role like a poacher can't work, as long as you have the right settings.

Have managed to get an Advanced Forward (Attack) and a Defensive Forward (both Support and Attack) working very well as a lone front man. If i was using the roles you mention, then i'd never deviate away from the Support duty.

And as i said before, I simply don't like a Poacher as a lone striker a he doesn't offer enough in general play for my liking.

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Generally it's best to use a stirker that plays a support role in a lone-striker formation, like a DLF, CF or TM. That's not to say an attack role like a poacher can't work, as long as you have the right settings.
if you have an amc or enough movement behind him then a poacher/advanced forward type of role should work just fine
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if you have an amc or enough movement behind him then a poacher/advanced forward type of role should work just fine

True, all depends on what players you have around him. My preference though is a DLF on support, then AML, AMC and AMR all on attack and they will often exploit the space created by the DLF dropping deep and taking defenders with him.

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True, all depends on what players you have around him. My preference though is a DLF on support, then AML, AMC and AMR all on attack and they will often exploit the space created by the DLF dropping deep and taking defenders with him.

More or less the same things happen with my CF(S). He tops my teams assist charts, while my striker playing on the wing tops the goals. Match made in heaven.

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  • 2 months later...

Also, why can't you put your winger in your 4-2-3-1?

He means switching to a 4-2-3-1 from a 4-1-2-1-2, which I assume is a diamond without wingers.

And you absolutely can play a lone striker as a poacher, just as long as there is enough forward support from the midfield three.

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The world's best striker would have so good attributes overall that it is very very unnecessary to use him as a poacher even though the game lists that as his best position. A screenshot would be helpful, but I'd say "the world's best striker" =/= "poacher" since a poacher is a very limited striker.

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I regularly use poacher in a 4231. My most successful poacher in that system was reasonably strong and good in the air (14/15) but pace/acceleration/off the ball all about 17. The key was to get a very creative AMC, with extremely high passing/creativity/decisions stats (18+) playing plenty of through balls, and a target man instruction of run onto ball. Wingers crossing often and mixed, and also lots of through balls. Poachers use their pace, movement and finishing to thrive on getting in behind centre backs for one-on-ones, or arriving in the middle on crosses when wingers have beaten a full back. IMO poachers are tailor made for a 4231, as in a 2-striker system they (a) have less space because the other striker will also be trying to get into the box, and (b) they'll usually be wider in a channel between CB and FB attacking either the near or far post, rather than central where they have a bigger target to aim at and more chance of scoring. In a 41221 they can tend to get isolated as there is no support near them and the CM has a longer, riskier pass to play him in, but in a 4231 the AMC is better placed to create and share the goalscoring burden.

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As good as it sounds to have a poacher as brightonrock described, I only really use the poacher role to mix things up occasionally, or if I'm playing someone up other than my usual striker. I mostly use a poacher when I'm using a weaker striker with attributes that more closely match a poacher.

As my main striker is a great player with excellent all-round attributes, I use him as soccer.joel explains and put him in a advanced forward (attack) role. I only tend to change this to a support role if my team is struggling to get him the ball and involve him in build-up play

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