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How to translate human language on tactics generating issues into FM ME language?

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FM is the most favorite sport simulation game for me, so it's always intrigue me to understand how the game works.

I read Cleon's thread, and because I'm really love to learn about this, I decide to describe my problems/questions in a form that she highlighted in her guidance.


"I wanna play like THIS or THAT. Can someone help me translate those concepts (human language) into a actual tactic (FM Match Engine language)?"

And that is exactly what I wanna do right now .

I always play REAL MADRID, with its real formation (at least from Del Bosque's era) 4-2-3-1.

I'm quite intrigued/obsessed with a thought of role playing: Playing Real Madrid with its REAL formation and REAL players (at least 80 to 90% of its REAL players in the first season). For that role playing, I'm not too interested of other formations, even if it is labeled with the BEST tactic.

My ultimate wish is to play a "beautiful football", and for it I must have a tactic with some layering (depth) of attack. I didn't want to swarmed my opponent with my player as much as I can, but I want them to be layered in waves everytime they attack.

I want my trident (1 striker and 2 Inside Forwards from the wings) to speared the attack, and I want my AMC and 1 of the MC/DMC LURKING/COVERING BEHIND the trident centrally and my WBs at the flanks. With those ideas, I think I will have at least 3-4 layers of attack (spearhead, covering, defending MC/DMC, and central defenders).

In formation term, I wanna play with 4-2-3-1 originally but attack with 2-1-4-3 (2 DC, 1 DMC/MC, 1 AMC + 1 DMC/MC + 2 WB, and 1 ST + 2 IF).

I tried to play with many combinations of sliders, but I can't reach what I described above. It always ends with my spearhead layer swarming the opposition's defensive line, along with my covering layer. Yes, there will be at least 5 players at the center field plus 2 at the flanks (7 players in total), but that's not what I need, and that's exactly not what I call "beautiful football".

With Attacking strategy, they swarmed the box in single useless line.

With Control and Standard strategy, the players are too far from the net so they usually take too many inaccurate long shots.


Like I described above, I play real life Real Madrid's formation 4-2-3-1 (but I don't like Mou's approach of counter-attacking), with 80-90% Madrid's recent original player. I'm thinking about perfecting my formation the best I could, and not interested to any formation changing suggestions.


I think you all know what is expected from a team like Real Madrid, so I guess we should go on.



Please help me translating to our beloved game language... Thank you, nice to talk to you all :)

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I recommend one of your wingers or AMC is set to support duty

Do you mean like AML Support - AMC Attack - AMR Attack, or AML Attack - AMC Support - AMR Attack? Oh btw, they're all looked like they're on attack duty, but in fact the AMC is Trequartista and my ST is Deep Lying Forward (which I supposed they're more supportive duty).

I tried, but it seemed like when I put my attacking midfield on real support duty, they tend to be too far from the box to make a real threat. And in Ronaldo case, too far from the box exactly means TONS of wasteful longshots (even if his longshots stats is great). And also, they strayed too far from my lone striker.

What a dillemma. Push them upfront, then they will swarmed the box in single line... Hold them in support, then they will get strayed too far from the effective striking distance :(

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