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Feeder Club- Financial Benefits

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Am I missing something with finding a Feeder Club for financial benefits? Is there a trick to it?

I'm in charge of Roma and I am one of the best clubs in the world. I'm trying to find a feeder club in either the US, Mexico, or the Middle east. I've asked atleast 6 clubs from those countries (some multiple times) and they still don't do it.

What kind of clubs accept this proposal?

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First think it to check if they are already linked to a club for financial reasons & then look at how many parent clubs they have. Avoid approaching a club with too many links as chances are they'll reject your overtures.

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I have done that......any team that is linked already to another top european club, I've passed on.

On top of that, clubs that I tried to link up with who rejected me.....later on when I checked again, linked up with some other euro club....so I dont know what mistake im making with this. I never had an issue with this in any other FM game ive played in the past

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