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First off apologies to all those that had started reading. I had only but a small database in, so obviously this needed changing.

I decided to start again and but the large database in with some more leagues added.

I am not to bothered where I will start off first and have already received a few offers



I have turned both of these down in the hope something slightly better will turn up shortly.

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Board Expectations

The board have asked that I gain a respectable position in the league. Given that we are already 11th I should be able to manage that. I felt like the past manager may not have been doing the greatest job ever but he was doing a fairly reasonable one and in my view to get rid of him this early was a tad harsh. It does mean that I have a home but with a trigger happy chairman for how long.



The club seems in decent enough shape and could be something I stay with some time to build my reputation.



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As you will see from the league table, I have not been doing as good as I would have hoped to be doing. I just cant stop seem to leak goals. The league table is still fairly tight so with a good run we could soon run up the league.


It all began so well with a massive win in my first game in charge. As always in this league is difficult when you come against a 'B' team as I found with the game against Betis. I was fairly happy with the result. We then began to become very inconsistent against teams. I was really hopeful of winning the majority of the games and hopefully pushing towards to the top end of the league but it was not to be as we kept conceding goals.

I am not sure as to how long I will be at this club. I felt before I came here that the chairman was slightly trigger happy and as you will see from my status I am already on the chopping block. I think it is a little unfair as surely you must be given time to build a club


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This had been on the cards for some time now. I am less than pleased about being sacked as I did not feel that I was given enough time to develop mine style of play and my own team. I am now off to find pastures new. This will not be forgotten though Ejica

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I was offered a job in Turkey and decided to take the job as nothing else was on the table.


I only played the one game this year and that was against a team that finished 4th in the league, I was hoping for a decent end to the year but in the end it was a defeat. We played well enough but a lot of work will need to be done in the Pre Season.

I have had a quick look at the squad and it needs to have a few more bodies added to it, I finished 13th and would hope for a small amount of improvement in this next year.


Season      Team              Country        League                    Position       Notes and Info
2012          Ecija                  Spain           Span Division 2 B4     N/A           Sacked
2012/13     K. Marasspor             Turkey         Turkish Division 2       13th          Only played 1 game so far.

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Board Expectations

Turkish Division 2: Top half finish

Turkish Cup: Third Qualifying Round

My Expectations:

Turkish Division 2: Not sure really, will depend on who and what I can bring in.

Turkish Cup: Just going focus on the league this year..


Transfer: £12,000

Wage: £11,000

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Hope things go better in Turkey.

So do I mate, I am spending a lot of time trying to get rid of a lot of the deadwood within the squad and trying to bring more quality but it is tough as there seems to be a lot of clubs going for the same type of players.

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I found the going tough at the start in Turkey. I found that there was only a small amount of players that I would have been able to afford to bring into the club that would have improved the squad that we already had. I decided early on that the best thing would be to bring in an feeder club to send me some loan players, I got Bursapor as my feeder club and they sent me a few players on loan to assist with my club. I did bring in a couple of free transfers but nothing really of note that is good enough to report.


It has gone really well so far this year. I am amazed at how easy it has gone for us. Prior to the start of the season I was concerned as the board wanted a top half finish and I felt that this pressure may lead to another early exit from a club but it seems that I am doing really well. We have only lost one game in the league and that is brilliant for any team at this level. We have drawn nine games though which is a bit of a disappointment, if we had turned a few of those draws into wins we could have been much higher up in the league. I think in all fairness we are about where we should be.

The cup has gone well, we have won a couple of games only to go out on pens to higher league team.


Next Up

I have really settled in well this year in Turkey and I am really enjoying my time here. I feel like I am slowly putting my own stamp on the team and making the players my own. Towards the end of the season I would like to win a few more games and move higher up the league. I would also like to bring in a few more of my own names, but before I do that I will need to improve the finances of the club which will be my main aim towards the end of the year. I obviously want promotion but I am unsure if it would come a little early for us and that we need more time to build but we will see how the season plays out for us, needless to say Turkey is better than Spain.

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I could not find any real quality players to bring in in January. I did manage to bring in a reserve striker to add a bit of depth to are depleted front line but he is no real quality. I brought another winger to add depth out on the right, but again I don't expect him to be playing any time soon. The youth intake was a nightmare and no players who came in would ever probably play in the first team so all in all not the best time. I have to say I am finding it tough to add players to my squad in Turkey, there seems to be a lot of rubbish


The unbeaten run continued into the new year. Two draws were really good for us especially as in both games we went 2-0 down before coming back to earn a good point. We then went onto record three huge wins, we had been on a bit of a dry spell and the wins had done a lot for our confidence. We then lost a game for the first time since October, I was a bit gutted about the defeat but it was not the end of the world as we had a decent run so far. I won another league game to put us right in the frame for promotion before earning a draw against a decent side that are struggling and a draw against the soon to be champions.


Next Up

It is going to be tight toward the end of the year, but I am hoping that I can string together a few wins to get us into the playoff position. I really want to give us a decent shout of going up, I think the playoffs are going to be really tough but I am hoping that my small squad will have enough for us to maintain our position and at the very least allow us a chance to play in the end of season playoffs. No matter what there will be a great deal of work to be done in the off season with this small squad.

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It was getting close to the end of the year and I was starting to get very nervous as we had hit a few bad patches throughout the season. I really didn't want to miss out on the playoffs due to the draws we had.


All in all it was a great season. I am little bit gutted that we had to enter the playoffs, if just a few of the many draws could have been turned into wins we would have won the league at a canter. The squad was really not that great but I think it was down to the fact that other teams were just as bad that we managed to stay in the hunt for the title throughout the season


Next Season

I am unsure what is next for me. A few jobs are due to come up in the summer that I may be interested in, if not I will stay in Turkey and build with this team.


Season      Team              Country        League                    Position       Notes and Info
2012          Ecija                  Spain           Span Division 2 B4     N/A           Sacked
2012/13     K. Marasspor             Turkey         Turkish Division 2       13th          Only played 1 game so far.
2013/14     K. Marasspor             Turkey         Turkish Division 2       3rd           Promoted

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I decided that I was best going to a bigger league and the job at Munster came up and I decided I could really get something built here.


Board Expectations

German Division 3: Win Promotion

German Cup: Enjoy the experience

My Expectations:

German Division 3: I seem to have a decent squad so I would like to go up

German Cup: I always want a good run in the cup


Transfer: £68,000

Wage: £91,000

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So off to my third home this time in Germany with Munster as always new players needed to be added to add depth to the squad. The club was in pretty dire straights financially but I managed to shift a few players out to free a bit of the wage budget up. I am brought a few new players in but as ever I found this very difficult because off my limited resources. The players I brought in were mainly youngsters that will add some depth for now but may not be first team players for a few years yet.


We had a very good start recording a win in the first game which is always nice and always builds a bit of confidence for the team. I have noticed the teams in this league are really quiet close together in terms of quality it seems to be a bit about building momentum and trying to create a decent run of good results much like we did towards the end of this section. We have not been too great in front of goal and have not scored as many as I would have liked to have done. My back line and keeper have been really good and we have a really good defensive record which hopefully will continue into the second half of the season


Next Up

We have put ourselves in a good position to push on and fight till the end for promotion. I am hopeful that I may even be able to add a few names soon to my squad to add a bit of quality which will help our push towards the end of the season. I will be slightly disappointed if we do not go up from this position as I feel like the team are starting to settle into my formation and that is always a difficult thing to do so I am hoping now that the hard work is done and that we can now push to get promotion. I am really enjoying it in Germany and subject to the finances being improved I will be really keen to stay here for a while and build a great team. I think I may have found a permanent home for myself.

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I have decided to take my first tentative steps into the world of International Football with my new role as the Wales Under 21 manager.


The previous manager was sacked after failing to guide them out of the European Champions Qualification process after finishing 2nd to Italy. I wont have a great deal to do with the National Side until next year when qualification starts so I will spend the next year observing the players I have available to me. Ideally I would love to bring a couple to Munster but I am not sure if financially we will be able to do that.

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Quite a baptism of fire in Spain, by the looks of things :D

Much improved in Turkey, though, and it's been an encouraging start with Münster too. Keep it up! :thup:

Yeah Spain was not much fun getting sacked that early still feel it was a little unfair. I am really enjoying my time with Munster if only the finances were better I would be set.

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Really good intake. I love some of the players that have joined the club. I will not be doing screenshots of them at this stage because the German rules say that they cannot play until their 17th birthday I will do the screenies then. Any way some players there look good and I would love to still be here to give these lads their debuts.


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Another year over. It was going to be tough to keep up the good form of last year and I was proven right as we hit a bad patch and at some stages found ourselves as low as 11th and I was starting to get concerned over my job here as the board went from happy to less than satisfied. In the end we found form and finished the season very well.


In the end it was very tight at the top, but we had just enough to see us home in 2nd spot and was enough to give us Promotion. I am more than happy. I was not expecting this at all and I am slightly worried that it will not be good for us next year.


Next Season

We will be loosing some players over the summer on free deals as we cannot afford to keep them as we can only offer £100 p/w at present, so they have refused to sign new deals and I cant really blame them


Finances are shocking so next year we are going have to use the youngsters a lot earlier than I wanted to unless I have some miracle over the pre season. Despite the terrible finances I am happy to stay here for a while longer


Season      Team              Country        League                    Position       Notes and Info
2012          Ecija                  Spain           Span Division 2 B4     N/A           Sacked
2012/13     K. Marasspor             Turkey         Turkish Division 2       13th          Only played 1 game so far.
2013/14     K. Marasspor             Turkey         Turkish Division 2       3rd           Promoted
2014/15     Munster                 Germany          German Division 3      2nd          Promoted

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Board Expectations

German Division 2: Stay clear of relegation

German Cup: Reach round 2

My Expectations:

German Division 2: I think I am going to struggle with this as my team has lost a few players who were important last year

German Cup: I always want a good run in the cup


Transfer: £0

Wage: £49,000 just to show what I have lost this was £91,000 last year. When I came here the wage expenditure was £98,000 its now after the players being released in the summer at £39,000

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Well done
Looks like this'll be tough, going up without being able to keep players.
Just caught up with this,unlucky with the sacking in Spain but congrats for the promotions you achieved in Turkey and in Germany with Munster :thup:

Cheers lads, I was very pleased with going up here in Germany. The board have now refused give me a budget to renew any contracts this summer. It is an absolute nightmare here. I am not sure how much I can take of these financial constraints. I may look elsewhere soon.

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hmm if you have backup saves try loading them. Also try deleting your cache.That's all I can think of.

I'd try this, I always have a weekly save rolling back for 3 weeks just to make sure. Hope you get it going because I wanted to see how you'd do at Munster this season.

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I have tried both of these methods but it seems that all of my saves are corrupted or something as I cannot load any of them. Not happy at all, I have had to reinstall the game and start from scratch. I will do this on this thread as to not overload the forum.

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Due to previous issues I have had to restart my previous career, as you will know I had struggled in Spain before doing well in Turkey and Germany. I will therefore begin this new career with previous reputation. I will try to pretend that this is just carrying on from where I left off. So I have just left Munster for all intents and purposes.


Defensor Sporting

I began Unemployed with my previously earnt reputation of being a Nationwide known manager. I didn't not get many offers surprisingly I was unsure where to go and had no real set ambition. I did notice that some of the big names in South America were doing very badly in their leagues and a few team such as Penerol, Lanus and America looked like possible destinations before I set on Defensor Sporting. This team had previously been one of the major players within Uruguayan Football but this year they had not done very well at all. I took over with four games to go. I had to promise the board that I would allow the youth to get a chance.

League Table

Cant really comment on this to much as I was not here for long enough.

Finances - Not to bad I feel like I have enough room to improve and there is one of my players going to Italy for £2.4mil so that will help.

Career Overview


Season      Team                       Country        League                    Position     Notes and Info
2012/13     Defensor Sporting         Uruguay        Uruguay Division 1         14th            Took over with only four games left

Next Season

I would like to add some new names if possible. In the off season the board gave me a new two year deal, which was nice of them.

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The only thing I can think of is you're paying the price for the previous managers mess up? Nothing wrong with your form there, hopefully you'll hang on for the Apertura and it'll sort itself out.

Shame you couldn't recover the old save but if you hang on to this job then it's a great little starting place for you.

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The only thing I can think of is you're paying the price for the previous managers mess up? Nothing wrong with your form there, hopefully you'll hang on for the Apertura and it'll sort itself out.

Shame you couldn't recover the old save but if you hang on to this job then it's a great little starting place for you.

Its a belter of a job. I have had a look and I think its because the board are now looking at the clasura standings which have us in 6th as it is in alphabetical order hopefully after the first couple of games it will sort itself out

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I felt this was harsh especially after leading them to the Apertura Title I was not expecting it but as per my last post it seemed to be on the cards at least according to the board, needless to say I was not happy especially as this was my last act with the team.

Intake - There looked some absolute belters in there its a real shame I will not get to see them progress.

Offer - It did not take long this to appear in my messages, it was an offer I really felt that I could take.


History - They have a rich History and one I was very keen to improve upon.

Before Me - I could see why the board changed management they felt like they should be challenging for titles every year and it is clear that this year they wont be.

Anyway onwards and upwards now in Peru lets put the past in Uruguay behind me and make Cristal great.

Career Overview


Season      Team                       Country        League                    Position     Notes and Info
2012/13     Defensor Sporting         Uruguay        Uruguay Division 1         14th            Took over with only four games left
2013/14     Defensor Sporting         Uruguay        Uruguay Division 1         3rd              Won the Opening Stage but was then sacked

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I decided that it was not working with Cristal I really wanted it to but for some reason it just did not fit for me. I could not put my finger on what the problem was but I could not connect with the team or players, the game was starting to feel more like a choir. I decided to make the move away from Peru and try my luck back in one of the bigger South American leagues.

Career Overview


Season      Team                       Country        League                    Position     Notes and Info
2012/13     Defensor Sporting         Uruguay        Uruguay Division 1         14th            Took over with only four games left
2013/14     Defensor Sporting         Uruguay        Uruguay Division 1         3rd              Won the Opening Stage but was then sacked
2014         Sporting Cristal             Peru        Peruvian Div 1              6th              Left with 4 games to go

Next Season


No this is a challenge a chance for me to deliver a first Argentinian Title since 1959, I join the club in the Pre Season in Argentina. I am really pleased to be at such a massive club, at the moment the club are rated 8th best in Argentina I would hope to improve this massively before I leave this club.

In the past few years the club have finished 9th in both seasons. I really feel that this is a good club and should be doing much better than we already are

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You did well with a bunch of munters.

Cheers pal

Absolute joke that sacking :thdn: Hopefully you'll have better luck in Argentina

I was so annoyed I could not understand it all, I was really enjoying my time in Uruguay and that was not a good way to end. Its been tough since but I have just started the season with San Lorenzo so hopefully things will be better this time around

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Things went awful. I had not won a game and the board were not happy at all. My job always on the line and I decided to jump before I was pushed as an offer I could not refuse came up.

Career Overview


Season      Team                       Country        League                    Position     Notes and Info
2012/13     Defensor Sporting         Uruguay        Uruguay Division 1         14th            Took over with only four games left
2013/14     Defensor Sporting         Uruguay        Uruguay Division 1         3rd              Won the Opening Stage but was then sacked
2014         Sporting Cristal             Peru        Peruvian Div 1              6th              Left with 4 games to go
2014/15    San Lorenzo               Argentina      Premier League                  20th           Left after 15 games

Next Season

Home - Since I left they have done nothing at all. I will change it this time if allowed.

Things have never been the same for me since I left here and looking round at the squad is so nice to see some very familier names, I looked at the future transfers and my two young Brazilians I signed last time are due to some next year.

Some of my intake look like they will be pushing for first team action soon as well. With the Youth facilities having just been upgraded since my last request a year ago this time is in a great place.

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Defensor Sporting

I began Unemployed with my previously earnt reputation of being a Nationwide known manager. I didn't not get many offers surprisingly I was unsure where to go and had no real set ambition. I did notice that some of the big names in South America were doing very badly in their leagues and a few team such as Penerol, Lanus and America looked like possible destinations before I set on Defensor Sporting. This team had previously been one of the major players within Uruguayan Football but this year they had not done very well at all. I took over with four games to go. I had to promise the board that I would allow the youth to get a chance.



Defensor Sporting

In my return to Defensor Sporting it was great to see some of my old players I was so happy to be at this club again and was at present third in the league but then this came up in my Inbox

Not again

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Defensor Sporting

It was once again a constant struggle throughout the season to keep my job. I felt that this was highly unfair and it seems to be a trend in Uruguay. We played well enough throughout the season but finished a little lower than I would have hoped but with a young team its to be expected.

League Table


Season      Team                       Country        League                    Position     Notes and Info
2012/13     Defensor Sporting         Uruguay        Uruguay Division 1         14th            Took over with only four games left
2013/14     Defensor Sporting         Uruguay        Uruguay Division 1         3rd              Won the Opening Stage but was then sacked
2014         Sporting Cristal             Peru        Peruvian Div 1              6th              Left with 4 games to go
2014/15    San Lorenzo               Argentina      Premier League                  20th           Left after 15 games
2014/15    Defensor Sporting          Uruguay        Uruguay Division 1          6th            

Next Season

I have decided to leave as I can not stand having to hold onto my job every season

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