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Would it work? Or not necessary?

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I am looking for tips to develeop the youngsters in my youth-team.

One thing I want to know is what influence do experienced / old players have on youngster. Especially when you ask them to tutor youngsters? What does the youngster benefit from the experienced player?

Would it be helpful to buy an old 'star' player who may only have 1 or 2 years left in him and ask him to tutor youngsters?

Also sometimes in meetings a coach would say where a certain player need to focus his training. SHould I follow the coaches?

What are the other way of developing youngsters?


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One thing I want to know is what influence do experienced / old players have on youngster. Especially when you ask them to tutor youngsters? What does the youngster benefit from the experienced player?


Have a read through that

Would it be helpful to buy an old 'star' player who may only have 1 or 2 years left in him and ask him to tutor youngsters?

Yes - but they should still be a good player. I would buy a 31 old David Villa to tutor a young player, for example.

Also sometimes in meetings a coach would say where a certain player need to focus his training. SHould I follow the coaches?

I only do that when the coach recommends he do something to improve his game - if the Coach stats are high on his end in this area of training then i do it.

Man Management, Discipline have to be high.

And if the coach only as a 6 in Attacking and he's recommending attacking moves for a player I will ignore it - but might look at areas the player could improve and apply a certain focus.

What are the other way of developing youngsters?

Lots of experience. Loan them out to clubs.

I will bring on youth players with 30 minutes left if I'm winning by a margin of 3 goals.

I play them in the League Cups (whatever nation you're in) and against relegation/newly promoted type teams.

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This is very nice, thanks.

Are there any more reads like these covering other aspects of the game?

Cause to be honest, I am playing with my minute knowledge of football and the game for that matter. If I have a good read on things like these I may do more in the game and most probably enjoy more.

Thanks again. but ye if you have any more reads like these for any aspect of the game please post thanks.

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There's a good few if you dig around the forums http://community.sigames.com/forumdisplay.php/4-Football-Manager-Forums

Usually if I come up against something I'm unsure of - I just type the issue into the internet search engine and get results - like

"Football manager 2013 training youth"


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