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It's my tactics...

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Got hold of FM 13 and started a Truro save. Build up standard tactics that I normally use to get through the leagues but I am getting dicked every match and barely creating any chances. Tried watch full matches etc but nothing seems to be working.

Could someone please enlighten me and tell me what I am missing? Is there someone about the match engine I should know about? I have read various posts and articles saying LLM is harder this year.


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You could always try the tactics forum. Lots of good threads there regarding the inner workings of tactics and so on. Also maybe try the LLM forum for views on how people have gone about their tactics and in particular people that have used Truro. Lots of hints and tips about if you look in the right places :thup:

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In response to that last post, I would highly recommend you don't go to LLM as it is not a place for advice, but instead a place for career posting (read the stickies).

So there is no conversation at all about what they have done and how they have done it from whoever makes the post? A thread full of screen shots and nothing else would be rather boring.

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Got hold of FM 13 and started a Truro save. Build up standard tactics that I normally use to get through the leagues but I am getting dicked every match and barely creating any chances. Tried watch full matches etc but nothing seems to be working.

Could someone please enlighten me and tell me what I am missing? Is there someone about the match engine I should know about? I have read various posts and articles saying LLM is harder this year.


In fairness, you've started with the hardest club to achieve success with at the start of the game.

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I totally get that. And I know the type of football I can play with them is not going to revolutionize the game, but the amount of chances I create and the amount of possession I have is terrible considering the fact that I have been able to get hold of a couple of players that should know how to kick a ball.

I checked out the LLM threads and took all the advice there i.e. Keep it basic, play to your strengths, be patient, etc.

I will post my tactics up in a minute.

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Try an even more basic tactic than that.

No "special" roles. Just the default ones - 2x DLF-A (but remove Hold Up Ball on at least one of them), WMLR-S, CM-D and CM-S, FBLR-aut and DC-D x2. Standard and Very Fluid. You are asking a player that can't run quickly with the ball to run quickly with the ball, a player who can't consistently win headers to win headers, a player who can't spot a run at gunpoint to create chances... etc etc.

That's at least what I would do :)

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Guest Satchy

I would personally remove all of the boxes that you have ticked, because your shouts won't make a difference if they are. I would also use at least one FB in an attacking role.

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So there is no conversation at all about what they have done and how they have done it from whoever makes the post? A thread full of screen shots and nothing else would be rather boring.

I would go and lurk around a bit in order to see what I mean. It can be a fun place to be if you read the rules and follow them. There are several good reads.

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There are a number of things I'd do to get the tactic in better working order:

1: Untick all the manual slider changes and use shouts/adjustments/strategies if you want a deeper line and less width.

2: Remove the BWM role. He'll rush up the pitch to engage the ball carrier, leaving the AP as the covering player. I doubt that's what you are after.

3: if you want a PM, then he'll need to be a DLP in an attacking formation. The AP will often get too far up the pitch to be in enough space to dictate play.

4: Think about if you should have a PM. With direct passing and two LDs, he'll rarely be given decent ball. Might be better to have a more generic role in the centre.

5: Forget about using a Poacher as a lone forward unless you have an AMC feeding him.

The rest is OK for a basic attacking tactic. If you drop from Attacking to Control or lower, then I'd switch duties around on one flank, so the WM has a support duty and the FB an attack duty. This will provide better movement between the lines and pull your opponents out of position.

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