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Quick question about game processing

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The number of active leagues drives the processing requirements of the game, player count will influence game speed but this is more to do with creating a RAM bottleneck if you have too many players loaded than any significant increase in processing requirements as players do not have that many independent decision making situations.

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I would be of the opinion that player count is the criteria that will affect the db more than anything. But then it's quite hard to tell - if you add a league, you add the players, so it's chicken and egg really. Theoretically, bigger db will make things generally slower, but more leagues means more simulation, means slower processing between days. Or something like that.

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Thanks for the feedback. I tend to think the number of players really is what matters, because if you are not running leagues on full detail, the processing doesnt take that long, but if you have a crazy amount of players, then the game seems to be slower processing through the days...

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