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Hidden Attributes

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AFAIK Tutoring effects the personality attributes such as determination and professionalism.

Does it also affect the hidden attributes?

- Imp Matches

- Consistency

- Dirtiness

If not, apart from over time, how can we affect these attributes.

I have some future stars whom I looked at through an editor who have low Imp matches and consistency. I want to do all I can legitimately to increase these.

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I believe that some attributes, like dirtyness or pressure can also be influenced via fines and private talks.

Most of the hidden attributes may also rise with age.

The most important hidden attribute by far however remains professionalism as it has a huge influence in CA development for young players and also for CA stability of old players. The best way to develop this is indeed by tutoring young players with tutors that have high professionalism.

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I don't know for sure but I believe consistency improves from playing matches.

In previous versions I've had many youngsters with various levels of "Inconsistent" as a weakness who have gone on to lose the tag. My impression has been its more to do with actual number of matches played rather than age.

I would only be guessing but I suspect important matches can also improve, maybe through playing and doing well in matches that are considered "important"

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