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Training tactics

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When you have the option to train 3 match tactics what is the best way to go?

If you are using the same formation just changing mentality depending on the opposition/situation would you load the same tactic with def/standard/attack mentality? Would this make players more familiar with the in between mentalities too?

Or if you had a usual formation and one different one as a change up would you best training the main one in counter and control as this would make them more familiar from def too attack? Or has it no effect on the mentality familiarity of the ones between?

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Some people like to train 3 of the same formation with different mentalities and team instructions. Some train different formations. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer as it all comes down to how you want to play. I have 2 trained tactics for my 3-4-3 striker-less formations. In one I have my AMR and AML play inside forwards attacking with the defensive winger on the right side set to support. In the other I change my AMR to winger support and the right DW to attack and moves into channels. This is based on the fact I have one good left footed IF and one good right footed winger for the AMR position.

As far as whether training a tactic in attacking makes your other tactics better at attacking if you switch mentalities in game, I'm not sure.

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As far as whether training a tactic in attacking makes your other tactics better at attacking if you switch mentalities in game, I'm not sure.

It does. My approach to this is rather gamey. Basically I set up a main tactic that's pretty much how I expect to play most of the time. Then I set up two other formations, each with extreme settings i.e one with attacking mentality, direct passing, aggressive tackling etc and the other all defensive, short, stand-off etc. I never intend to use those two specific tactics but when I switch something within my main tactic it means my team are comfortable with the change.

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In one I have my AMR and AML play inside forwards attacking with the defensive winger on the right side set to support. In the other I change my AMR to winger support and the right DW to attack and moves into channels. This is based on the fact I have one good left footed IF and one good right footed winger for the AMR position.

I don't believe roles make a difference in familiarity. It is the team settings and formations that suffer/gain from tweaking/training (twerking).

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