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Gone out the champions league because a defender took a penalty because he had scored 2

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Tell that to the Brentford fans who were 40 seconds away from promotion until someone who wasn't the penalty taker took the ball and refused to give it back and missed. It's becoming more common in England, I can remember seeing it on 4 occasions last season in League One alone and that's only from games I went to or saw.
IIRC that was because the regular penalty taker bottled it.
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I guess it was one of the other end of season penalty incidents that happened last April, I definitely recall a manager coming out & saying that the regular penalty taker didn't take a crucial spot kick because he went into hiding.

Kriss' post nails how this feature should work, if the penalty isn't converted then I should be able to discuss the issue with my captain, the designated taker & the numpty who failed t convert the penalty. There's certainly scope for integrating this into squad harmony with the potential pitfalls of causing issues within the squad.

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Absolutely the user should have the chance to switch this off, or at least override it (ie - an option comes up asking who you want to take it). If the player ignores your instruction, the ability to sanction the player involved should be available.

Whether he threw away a two goal lead or not is irrelevant - fact is the game allows him to choose who he wants to take penalties, and in a situation where he had a penalty to put a CL tie to bed, he had no choice over who took it simply because a centre half had headed in a couple of goals.

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It is a one in a million chance that a player INSISTS on shooting a penalty in a ****ing decisive champions league leg. It takes a sociopathic guy like the Brentford player to act out of order like that.

Of course the player should have a god-damn say in this.

But realistically, should they? Players have personality, and if he's so determined to take the penalty that he's fighting/arguing with his teammates in order to take it, then is he going to listen to an irate manager on the sidelines?

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Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that to British players it seems more of achievement scoring a hat-trick in a game maybe is a cultural thing. (I'm from Latin America)

I think you are right here, foreign players in the premiership often have no idea they are getting the match ball for scoring a hat-trick.

EDIT: As a side note, creative freedom determines how likely your players are to break from your tactical instructions, should this be related to the likelihood that your list of penalty takers will be ignored if a player is on a hat-trick? Does it already?

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Didn't think this would cause such a discussion but thought i would give a few more details about the game.

I had a man sent off after 4 minutes so had to adjust my tactics so that rather than playing very attacking i changed to play counter and try to catch them on the break. It worked really well and i scored after 13, 24 and 25 minutes to go 3-0 ahead. Valencia pulled one back after 55 minutes to make it 3-1 on the night and then 4-2 on aggregate, i then had a penalty on 82 minutes, which was missed and Valencia went straight up the other end and got a penalty of their own when one of my wingers had managed to track their striker and dived in 2 footed. They then went all out attack and before any of my tactical changes could take effect they scored again (1 1/2 minutes later) to draw 3-3.

If my penalty was scored or my striker took it and missed Smalling would have been back in position and my winger would not have had to make to challenge and given them a penalty. I have seen plenty of occurrences in real life when the manager had indicated from the sidelines that the normal penalty taker should take the penalty not someone else that has scored twice. As a manager it is up to me to set things up and the board blames me for failing to meet their expectations not some CB that put himself above the team, there should be a way to indicate to the players that you want your normal penalty taker to take the penalty not the player that has scored 2

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Isn't it usually common in football in real life that if a player has score twice and the team get a penalty, they'll take it to try and get a hat-trick even if they aren't the default penalty taker?

Nathan dyer in last seasons capital one cup final? :p

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You can never say never though and be 100% that it will never happen.

The OP was 3-1 up btw and it wasn't a game changing penalty because the game wasn't drawing. My real life scenario is one that actually happened and was more costly. I was just showing it can happen despite people thinking it'll never happen.

Brentford fans thought the exact same yet a loan player took the ball ignored the captain and his team mates and took the penalty. The other sidee went up the other end, scored and cost them promotion and got promoted themselves as a result of this penalty. It was one of the biggest games in Brentfords history. Admittedly he wasn't on a hattrick when he took the ball but none the less this makes it even worse imo.

What good is it dealing with it after? The damage is done in those seconds he takes the penalty. Afterwards is too late to deal with it.

Whats with the myth about defenders not been able to take pens? Some of the best penalty takers ever have been defenders :D

yeah like Gareth Southgate otr Stuart Pearce muhohahahahahaha

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One point to make is that in football does a player that has 2 goals always take the penalty, i seem to remember at least 2 instances last season when a player that could complete their hat trick did not take the penalty, in FM it always happens so therefore FM is wrong. I also remember a manager making sure that the normal penalty taker took the penalty rather than a player on a hattrick, Swansea in the carling cup final i think.

Maybe it should come done to how selfish the player is or maybe there is something the manager could do from the sideline to indicate whether the normal penalty taker should take it or not.

I would not miss this if it wasn't included as in football a player on a hatttick does not always take the penalty in FM they do.

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I'm absolutely fine with this ocurring. Players happen to ignore instructions at times irl as well.

However, if that happens in FM as well then I want to have some options to sanction players, just as managers have irl.

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Reading this thread, I can't help but thinking of Jovanovic.

Storming off the pitch when Mbokani didn't pass to him. Shoving Witsel aside to take a penalty himself. Bit offtopic though as the importance isn't comparable, but you'll always have these kind of hard-headed, difficult to manage players.

Annoying in FM when you miss out on CL because of this though.

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