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Nike Defence and Midfield

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I have a question on setting up the Nike defence with two regular cm's playing in front of them. The defence I have contains two goos left wing backs so I wanted my left side more attacking than my right.



This was the defence I thought made sense to me as the aggressive centre back can close down the space left by my wing back quicker. The problem comes when I wand to set up my midfield duo, I want my left CM to sit back more and offer defensive cover for the wing back. With him sitting back and the centre back behind him pushing up will they get in each others way while the right hand CB and CM run away from each other leaving a big hole for an opposition player to sit in?



Would this set up be a better option? It just doesn't look like the traditional Nike setup to me.

My final option is the setup below but I worry about the lack of stability down the left



Can anyone offer any thoughts? I would love to get it working as I think it will give me more than just two regular CB's

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