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Evolution of FM13

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I bought FM13 when it was released and played some with it. I barely had success and was kind of frustrated with the game itself. I remember writing on the forums and had some reasonable and good advise, that my tweaking mechanics I've been using in previous FM's doesn't work anymore. A kind of consensus among the 'pros' was that just picking the 'base tactic' and not touching it should yield much better results.

At that point I lost a bit of interest and dropped FM13. No hard feelings nor anything, I thought I'd wait for a patch or two to see if this has been mended (if it was a bug at all) or if customisation still yields negative results. Meanwhile however due to real life I kinda left the game and never returned.

The point being, with a bit more time on my hands I'm thinking of picking this up again. I' ve read the patch notes, but I would be more interested in the community's consensus. Should I start it up again? Or should I wait for FM14, perhaps it would suit my playstyle? Part of the fun for me is tweaking the tactics to the last knob, to get the team to play the way I want them to.

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Only you know if you want to try out FM13 again or not. I feel like it's easier to muck things up in FM13 than it has ever been before. I have my standard tactic I've made and I don't really deviate from it.

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FM12 to FM13 was the major change in tactics, FM13 to FM14 will likely just be incremental tweaks on the previous. Waiting for 14 won't do a lot therefore.

You can still do all your tweaking via shouts and minor tweaks though, with a stable base that doesn't change much.

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