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Money Problems

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Hi Guys,

I'm just looking for some advise. Basically I unlocked the lower leagues in England via the editor and started out with my local team Ashton United in the Unibond Premier where I've quickly risen up through the leagues to League 1 via free transfers and loan signings which have served me well. However last season I managed to sign Anthony Stokes (the Celtic Player) on a free as well as 2 other clearly lower premier league/upper championship standard players all for wages of around $15000 a week each which still seemed like a bargain compared to the 2m plus I would have paid had I tried to buy them on a normal transfer.

The problem I now have is that the club has gone from have plus 4m in the bank to now on minus 3m in the course of just over a season as clearly the wages i'm paying are way more than the amount we earn from gate receipts + merchandise etc...

So here's the big problem, the board advised I sell some players to ease the clubs financial problems which I was happy to do as my youngsters are coming through and i'd rather play them that the mega bucks signings I have now anyway but even though i've transfer listed and offered the guys to other clubs no-one will take them. Stokes is valued at 1.5m and I even went as desperate as to offer him out for nothing but every club came back saying his wages were too high for them to consider making an offer. Now it looks like the debt problem is only going to get worse and I can't shift those high paid players even on a free.

Any advise on what I should do next? I'm happy to get rid of them but no takers and i've tried loaning them out also and no one is interested. What actually happens if your club goes too far into debt? This is new territory for me i'm usually very strict with wages + Money.

Any help would be massively appreciated.



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That's why you should always be prudent to sign high earners in lower leagues.. It's always difficult to get rid of them because top flights clubs don't want him cause he doesn't meet their standards, lower league clubs will want him but can't afford him. I'm afraid you'll be stuck with him until his contract expires now..

Here's a good link on how to effectively manage finances:



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Not really sure what to say- shifting the player is going to be extremely tough, for the reasons that LilSaint has given, and it's unlikely terminating his contract will be possible either- he either won't accept mutual termination, or the board won't sanction the one-off expense of doing so. £15k is a hell of a lot for someone playing at a League One club with no massive rep to speak of, so I'd imagine he probably is performing head and shoulders above the rest of the division?

I suppose it may seem counter-intuitive, but your best bet may actually be to ignore it, and concentrate on results- cup runs especially will all aid with easing the financial difficulties somewhat, and the worst case scenario would be on-the-pitch suffering because of the financial problems. If you go into administration and get docked points, so be it- just make sure that doing that doesn't affect your league position too much. If you're stuck with him, you might as well use him to your advantage.

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Thanks for the advice guys it's much appreciated. In terms of Stokes he was performing head and shoulders above everyone else to be honest. 25 goals in 24 games last season but I've finally managed to get rid of him on a free transfer which is brilliant for my wage budget situation. I also sold two young defenders for 1.5m and 4m respectively which again has reduced my wage budgets massively. All the players I've brought this year are on less than 2k a week and the projections for the end of the year budget is only on minus 2m now which is much more manageable. If I have a good cup run I can knock that down to -1m which is fine at this level. I could well get promoted to the Championship this year as well which would be handly financially. Fingers crossed for the season.



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