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Living Hell ( A Norwich City Survival Story FM13)

Fond Foat

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Part 01



I heard a rumble. I knew from my idyllic vacation spot deep inside my brain that my name was being yelled. The echo knocking on the door of my subconscious suggested the rumble was hitting me from a close range. I knew being away was good, and I also knew I was in no hurry to return. Forbsey ain’t here!

“Forbsey, you soft ****. Open your eyes!”

The rumble now became a minor earthquake as I felt myself being shaken away from my refuge. As things progressed from comatose to semi consciousness, I became even more aware that my situation was not the best. The pool of blood sitting at the back of my throat combined with the whistling sound my nose was making were the first clues that all was not well in Bobby Forbes land.

Eventually, I had no choice. The assault on my deadened senses forced unwanted awareness back into my sanctuary. I opened my eyes and realized that it was tougher than it should have been to achieve such a simple feat. Through puffy slits I saw Lenny Four Toes peering at me.

“About time Bobby, I was getting bored.”

I mumbled something. I have no idea what I wanted to say. Probably something like Please don’t kill me Lenny but nothing comprehensible came out. I tried to focus on Lenny again, but all I registered was something fast and hard careering into the middle of my face and all was gone again.

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Cheers guys :)

Part 02

"Bobby Forbes. Come in, come in.” The city offices of Stephen Caltrez were spacious and dignified. You would never have known that Cal made most of his money loaning money to those in need of some outside financial assistance.

I took a seat without invitation. I had known Cal for a few years and he generally preferred to get to the point when business was on the table. Actually, he didn't like to **** around whenever he did anything. I imagine Cal would get impatient during a game of solitaire.

“So what you looking for today, Bobby?” He hadn't sat down. He was facing his large office window they gave him his seventh floor view of the spire rising above the Norwich Cathedral. Not that Cal would ever enter the place unless the vicar needed a loan.

“Same as always, Cal. Just need a kick start for the business.” I tried to keep a clear voice, but I was nervous. I needed the cash. My ass was on the line. It was Cal or bust!

“The antique trade slowing down, Bobby”. Cal turned and looked at me. He had that little twist of his lips going. For those of us in the know, that understated smile meant Cal was probably in a reasonable frame of mind. Thank ****.

“It’s doing okay. But the truth is I am on the edge of doing a very healthy deal. Some very nice collections are about to fall into my lap. Just need a cash injection to bring them in and then move them on at a profit. It's all set up and ready to go.”

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Welcome to FMS fond, a good start the story and looking forward to see how it turns out. The only thing of note is could you remove the pictures you have as in this part of the forum they are not allowed as per the house rules

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Part 03

He sat down across from me. The Victorian rosewood desk that separated us would have been a popular item in my store.

“Alright Bobby,” Cal said “how big of an injection do you need?”

“Five hundred grand by the end of the week”. I am sure my sphincter tightened to the nth degree. Come on Cal, I prayed, do it for Bobby. I had already had every bank manager in Norwich show me the door, Cal was my last hope on this.

You could never really tell what Cal was thinking. His facial features would move into what looked like natural positions, but his eyes never betrayed anything. He leant back a little.

“That would take it to seven hundred all up Bobby.” he said. “You sure you want to get that deep.”

“Once I get this purchase and sell it on, you will be fully paid off Cal. I will have just enough left over to get back on track.” I lied. If it all went to plan, I would have enough to retire.

“The wife know, Bobby? I don’t want to be a cause of some family disruption.”

“Of course, Cal, I tell Pam everything.” I lied again.

“I don’t know. If you ask me, you’re stretched. You business is struggling, your wife isn't working, and your daughter is about to start Uni. Seems like a big gamble for me on this.”

I tried to keep calm, but my mind was racing. This was my moment. I knew Cal well enough. I knew he was pushing me. Showing me he knew all about me. He just wanted to see how committed I was.

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Part 04

“Seriously, I am on it. This is a sure thing.”

He twisted his lips again, “Yeah, a sure thing. Tell me Bobby when will you repay the whole amount? I won’t be giving you a repayment scheme. Not with your dismal payment record”

Well, **** you Cal. I had been paying off two thousand a month for about three years. Of course with Cal’s interest rates, I wasn't making much of a dent.

“Actually Cal, I was thinking six months and then pay you back in one lump sum.”

I threw all my cards on the table. It showed Cal I was serious. It showed Cal that I was confident. I just hope it didn't show Cal that I was probably full of ****. Oh, I had a deal just about sealed away, but would I get it all through in six months? That would be one tight deadline.

Cal nodded his head slowly. “Four months and the repayment figure is eight hundred thousand.”

“Sounds fair to me”. Like hell it did, but when your back is to the wall, you take what you can get.

Cal hadn't stopped looking at me. I felt like a mouse in front of an owl. “I have known you a long time. I like you; I like your family, but you understand this business don’t you?”

“Sure, of course.” Not that I was really sure I knew what he meant. Still, whatever, as long as I had my money.

“Listen carefully Bobby. This is your last chance to keep the status quo!” His voice was plain, but I felt something in it; an unstated warning. I ignored it.

“It’s all good Cal. Really!”

He looked at me for a long time. I started to fidget. “You don’t come through this time Bobby, with this kind of money on the line; you’re a dead man walking.” He rose and left the room.

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Part 05

I had nothing left to give. How can you describe that feeling? I was hollow. I was a shell of myself. Fifteen days sitting in an underground pit, and I was no longer Bobby Forbes, but a mindless breathing lump of meat.

On rare occasions a torch light would stir some human reaction from inside me, and a face that I recognized as Lenny’s would peer through the sliding shutter on the iron door and push through a bottle of water, some fruit, and some bread. I was pretty sure that happened every two days, but marking the passage of time was based on guesswork more than anything. Lenny never said much. He hadn’t hit me again since my last lights out. I never said anything either. I had nothing to say.

I knew what had happened. Cal had followed through. My deal was so ****ing close to being done. I was a week away from freeing myself not only from Cal but from my ****** day to day existence. I had spoken to Cal a couple of days before I had been visited by Lenny. He had told me he would grant me 48 more hours. For some reason, even after speaking to Cal, I thought he would give me that week I needed; that he wouldn’t stick it to Bobby Forbes. Everybody loves Bobby. Apparently not!

I knew Pam and Lisa would probably have no idea what had happened to me. Cal wouldn’t bother about **** like that. I would have been bagged and tagged and sent somewhere far far away. I sure as hell wouldn’t be near Norwich anymore.

So I did what I imagine many people would do; I began to give up.

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