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Help with my Tictac's!!!!

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I've been playing this save for a few months now and been sacked 3 times, I don't think I had been sacked since Championship manager 01/01 before that!

I put it down to tactics and trying to find one that worked,

I'm now at inter and doing ok but conceding far too much mostly in the centre even while playing a DM,

If anyone has the time or interest to take a look over my screenshots I'd appreciate it,

Thanks for your time!



2013-10-09_00004 by gic28, on Flickr


207890_2013-10-09_00007 by gic28, on Flickr


207890_2013-10-09_00006 by gic28, on Flickr


2013-10-09_00003 by gic28, on Flickr

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Please read this, and then give more detail about what precisely you feel your problems are:


Without knowing details, I'd question the reasoning behind tweaking sliders on the Team Instructions, the number of tactics you have used, the lack of a Playmaker, and your Duty setup for starters.

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Problem(s) –

Strikers not finishing (could be non tactical related)

Conceding too much especially from the centre of my own half

Left and Right backs playing a rating of 5.XX regularly especially against highly rated teams


League winners or challenge - Board

Score more, stop conceding and higher possession - Myself

Where can i upload my tactic file to?

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Which duty's would you change?

I moved the sliders to be more attacking...

I can set my AMC to playmaker in duty and selected in my team instructions

I used that many tactics trying to find something that worked

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I'm shocked you'd be conceding too much, your roles/duties are set up very defensively. It looks like your fullbacks are not naturals at their positions, maybe that is part of the problem? Are you allowing a lot of through balls from a central midfielder/playmakers to onrushing wingers?

Your goal differential is +41 over your last 50 matches so you're obviously not doing that badly!!

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Finally someone playing with Inter :)

I think a problem could be related to offside trap. From what I see, most of opposite teams' goals come from the midfield. This might mean they're playing balls over the top of your defenders for their pacey strikers, who get past your defence and score. You should check the replays for that. And that tactic leaves a lot of space between your DM (Crisetig is an amazing choice, by the way! That guy is gonna be a great midfielder IRL) and your AMC.

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Your tactic is very split up which means less movement in between lines. I would recommend setting your fullbacks to support or automatic. Your DM to defend, one of your strikers to support. I would also recomend considering differing roles for your wide mids

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Not necessarily physically, but they are leaving a huge gap in my opinion. Moreover, consider that a 4 4 2 has its weakness right there (since there are 2 midfielders, while a lot have 3 - 3-5-2 and 4-3-3 - or 4 - 4-2-2-2). Look at http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/362894-Pairs-amp-Combinations-Part-1-Central-Midfielders for a really good guide about central midfielders. You'll see how much they're supposed to do.

An AF upfront is good (I always use an AF when playing 1 man upfront), but you might want to set him to come deep (DLF) and maybe set the MR to W(A) so he'll move forward and the DLF will look for him when he comes deep. I am finding out that what you need is movement. If you don't have that, then your tactic will be quite foreseeable. Movement provides space, if you exploit space you'll gain an advantage, an advantage means you'll get a good chance to score.

Just wondering: why don't you have any backup GK?

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I appologize in advance for my tone, but english is not my native tounge, and I don't have time to watch my tone right now. Thus, I'll be very frank. :D

To me, your whole approach seems to be riddled with contradictions.

1) You play a high pressing game, but have manually overridden the high defensive line and use 4 defensive duties in the d-line, 1 defensive and 3 supporting roles in midfield. What does that say to your players? "Press high, but stay in position"?

2) You have a huge gap between the defeders and midfield on one hand, and the attackers on the other (Advanced forward and Poacher both stay very high up the pitch), but at the same time you want the team to play a quick SHORT passing game. How will the ball ever reach your strikers if there is a huge space between them and the rest of the team while the players are supposed to play short passes only?

3) With a "balanced" style, only 1 specialized role, "more disciplined" and "stick to position" you will have a very static team. Coupled with a quick and short passing game, this means that the team most likely will pass the ball sideways from flank to flank without ever creating holes in the oppositions defence (no movement between the lines). Thus, the only remaining chance of creating goal scoring opportunities seems to be crosses into the box. At the same time you instruct the fullbacks not to join the attacks down the flanks (which would make crosses more dangerous, as they potentially overload the flanks creating time for the crosser to aim his cross well), and you instruct your central midfielders NOT to join the attackers in the box (reducing the number of targets in the box for the crosses).

Read wwfan's excellent 12 step guide (stickied in this forum section) and try to come up with a more cohesive plan on how you want your team to attack and defend as a unit!

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Thanks for all the help guys, think this formation just became a mess after trying so many and getting fed up of coinciding/being sacked far too much,

so the way it's set up here was never goals galore but was steady enough to build on.

So I'm just interested do most people not move the sliders from defaults?

I actually started the game wanting 3-2-2-2-1 but that was obviously far too attacking!

Thanks again for all the advice I'll see how it goes and report back!


2013-10-11_00002 by gic28, on Flickr

This look better?

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GC28, don't be afraid to have players on the left and the right using different roles.

I remember when I first started getting into the tactics side of the game it felt wrong to have one FB on attack and another on support, or wingers with different roles and duties.

Keeping one of your wide-men as a wide-midfielder could work well, especially if the FB on that flank is given an attacking duty to overlap. That way you could have something like an Attacking Winger and Supporting Full-Back on one side, and a Supporting Wide Midfielder and Attacking Full-Back on the other, giving your team more options for movement.

Also, why not make Varetti into an Advanced Playmaker with a Support duty?

Lastly, I don't like the look of your Poacher/Advanced Forward combination. If you want to use a Poacher, you'll probably need a Deep-Lying Forward with Support to feed him chances. Alternatively, get rid of the Poacher and use a player better suited to be a Deep-Lying Forward or Defensive Forward to support your attackers and midfielders, and link up your team's play better.

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Thanks, It's funny that I never struggled so much in the past!

He is normally an AP not sure what happened there, first game with those tactics saw an increase in possession and more chance creation, strikers are doing fine atm but i'll think about changing it up if they begin to struggle.

I'm really hooked on having two forwards atm even though it's not the in thing!

Do you guys use multiple tactics?

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GC28 - a bit better but your ticked team instructions (and player instructions) prevent shouts from working. Just untick them - trust me, just untick them.

Your strike combination is poor - you need to have someone dropping deeper/wider and linking play. Perhaps with your full backs have an "attack" duty on 1 full back and support on the winger in front, and the opposite on the opposite flank. Not sure wingers and wing backs on the same flank are useful, may simply just see you get caught out high up the pitch instead on the counter.

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Ok thanks I'll give it a try now although I'm sceptical about attacking full backs, I am playing It Italy and that sort of behaviour is frowned apron!

So you just leave all your sliders un-ticked?

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