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Play-SC.com - The Worst Download Company Ever?

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So, last night I ordered my game from Play-SC.com ... before I'd read about a bunch of people who ordered 2012 from them, on this very site.

To say I'm unimpressed and angry is a huge understatement. Has anyone dealt with these jokers before? It's 17 hours and counting, and no code yet. I'm in some "Queued" system.

Let me tell you what it is. They don't HAVE the game yet. They crack open boxes and send codes from them. That's what I've heard. So play early pre-orders? Not a chance.

What in God's name is that all about ? Is this company legit ? Are they allowed to pass themselves off as an SIGames affilliate?

Let me make this clear to ANYONE who is thinking of doing business with this company BEFORE the 31 October deadline. Don't.

I've bought one thing from them. It's the last thing.

What's your experience with these people? Has anyone had a refund from them before?

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i can understand how you must be feeling but SI were always very clear that they can only guarantee the beta to anyone that buys from retailers on the game's official website.

i ordered from GreenManGaming and received the code Wednesday morning. I know people that ordered from Amazon and received the code straight after ordering.

i am sorry for what happened to you but you shouldn't have taken the risk just to save a few pounds.

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Well mate, lesson learned. Oh I am not blaming SI here at all. They're typically straight-up in the way they do things.

But I am going to flame this company everywhere I can. Reading the reviews from people here who bought from them last year, they're still a shambles.

Wish I'd read that stuff beforehand.

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I ordered mine from Amazon, it was more expensive than most places, but more reputable and reliable, so I put down the extra cash. I actually received my Beta code on the 5th like a lot of others (Stupidly I had deleted it thinking it was the usual garbage Amazon send out, thank god GMail keep your trash for 30 days). The way I see it, the retailers they suggest are there for a reason.

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