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Unconventional truth - tactical discussion

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Just wanted to say I am loving the idea of this formation. I am yet to tweak individual and team instructions, but just from the basic shape I am excited.

I have noticed my WB/L(a) is often occupying the same space as my IF/L(s) on the average position heat map so I need to try and separate them a little, however in the match this seems to work well as the IF lays on the pass to the WB as he powers forward and delivers cross after cross. into the box.

I am very excited by the possibilities of this shape, and will be experimenting further!

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Don't Gibbs and Cazorla end up playing almost on top of each other with Gibbs being on attack like Abaddon879 mentioned? Happens to me so much that I had to put him on support because of the space he was leaving behind him. Either the winger ran free or my CB opened and left a hole right in the middle of defence.

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