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Improving in game Job Centre ideas (Future FM games)

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The ability to place a job advert, even if the staff position is not vacant.


I have 5 coaches and allowed a total of 5 coaches.

I place an advert

Position advertised: The position I want the candidate to fill.

Training Category: Say I wanted the candidate to have good goalkeeping training but didn’t care if it were shot stopping or handling. Or I wanted them to have 5 star rating in Tactics. Only those with the stats I want would apply.

Coaching Qualifications: The qualifications that the candidate has and or willingness to train for one.

I then wait for CVs to come in and I check them and there stats. I found out that one of the candidate have better star rating than my one of my current staff. I hire them and fire the less good one.

So do you have an suggestions and ideas of your own? Please do share.

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The ability to place a job advert, even if the staff position is not vacant

Always wanted that but can see the downside - if you have an AM and advertise for another AM then your current one will get the hump and cause all your staff to become unhappy

Way round that I suppose is to advertise for the U21 role and if there is someone good enough offer the first team role

I do see that something I suggested last year has been implemented - having a list of job applicants and able to hover over their attribute list rather that having to click on each applicant separately :thup:

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