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One of the issues that have gnawed at me for the past few years is that, despite all the progress that has been made in making FM far more realistic, the quality and reliability of scouting is still questionable to me.

I accept that, if I'm managing Dundee United and my scouts aren't particularly great, should I assign them to a league or region they will probably miss a few gems. But the same shouldn't happen if I am Barcelona manager and have several absolutely top rated scouts. But when I run FM Scout, I always pick up players of 180+ potential that my scouts have failed to spot. If I had more faith in the way scouting works in the game I wouldn’t even use FM Scout.

Also on the subject of scouting another area I feel needs drastic improvement is the feedback you receive form scouts/coaches assigned to opposition teams. They never provide anything I can't see for myself with a cursory look at the club in question. Surely the purpose of scouting a team you're due to play is to get tactical pointers and suggestions from your staff to help you plan for the game. Obviously the better the staff member's tactical knowledge, the more accurate and reliable the information should be. So if you act on the advice of a poor tactician, then on your head be it, but you don't get any such input from them at all.

I haven't got round to buying FM14 yet so I would be grateful to know if these issues have been significantly addressed.

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