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Bringing the Glory days back to town


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Hey this is going to hopefully be a good continuing story of my bringing back the glory years to Ipswich town.I am playing Football Manager 2008 with the updated patch.I forget is it 8.0.2 lol sorry for my ignorance

Bringing the Glory Years Back!

As Martin Slams down in the chair, another fruitless day of looking for a job he switches the tv on and onto ITV Anglia.

’Now here is Donavan with the sport’..’Thanks Claire and breaking news just out of Portman road. Following the recent takeover of Marcus Evans there has been even more change at Portman Road today following the shock sacking of Ipswich Manager Jim Magilton. There is no word yet as to Magilton has indeed been sacked but we can report the ex town manager today cleared his desk and has left the club. A replacement is not said to be close in being forthcoming’

As the report continues Martin jumps out of his seat and runs to his study, He slumps down in his office chair turns the computer on and then turns to his filing cabinet as Martin riles through folders he finally pulls a rather heavy one out and slams it on the desk, On the front it reads One day I will manage Ipswich town. As he rifles through the countless inner folders he finally stops and pulls on out. On it is the title Current Squad 2008.In it are countless pages on Team member’s their strengths, there weaknesses’, Predicted wages and even a shortlist of 10 players on whom to buy. As the computer opens up he CLICKS on the blue Ipswich town badge, Opens up the Documents and clicks Print Martin CV. Immediately a CV is printed out..Enveloped and a stamp is already on the envelope. Before logging off, Martin also E-mails his CV directly the inbox of WWW.ITFC.CO.UK before disappearing out of the front door to post the letter.

‘’We are now a full week after the dismissal of Jim Magilton and it would seem Ipswich town are none the closer to naming a new manager, having got word from Chief Executive Derek Bowden that the Board have viewed the Applicants and the shortlist all have meetings today and tomorrow, An announcement is due to come soon, Helen back to you in the BBC radio Suffolk News Rooms’

As Martin switches the engine off and slams the car door, His mobile start’s to sound off ,Still feeling down at the news the candidates have all been chosen, He picks the phone up somewhat depressingly ‘Hello Martin here how may I help you.’ A little mild meek voice at the other end starts to speak but before she can carry on she is interrupted ‘Yeah love your gona need to speak up cause I can’t hear anything, either you’re a mute or I’m deaf but please speak up’ the mild meak voice suddenly speaks out ‘Excuse Me Mr Lambert this is Pam PA to Derek Bowden, He has seen your CV liked what he read and has asked you to attend an interview at Ipswich town football club in regards to the vacant Managerial Position. Although speaking to you I don’t possibly see what you can bring to the table. Anyhow He has asked you to attend this afternoon, at 4:30pm Can you make that’’..’’’Yes Yes of course I can I will be there, does he need me to bring anything P45 Passport’’...’’No No Mr Lambert this is not me offering you the Job it’s just an interview, Please just dress accordingly and bring another copy of your CV. Thank you Mr Lambert have a good day’’..’’No No thank you.’’

As the phone is slammed down, Martin excitedly looks at his watch and notices the time,3:00 Pm ,As a sudden rush of shock comes over him he rushes in to the house and riffles through his wardrobe, Finding the best suit and tie combo he could find in 30 seconds which just so happens to be and without him noticing Blue and white he hurriedly puts it on over his Ipswich town shirt. He then rushes back down stairs and into his study, He pulls out his Ipswich town Managerial folder puts his black shoes back on and rushes out of the front door.

‘’Ipswich town can today announce the new appointment of Mr Lambert as there manager today After two long gruelling weeks and several interview stages, Martin has come through it well and the board of Ipswich town are pleased to announce him as Manager as of immediately. The Board were impressed with his knowledge of the team and his love for the team having been a Town supporter for the last 18 years. Marcus Evans is said to be very happy to have an eager hungry manager and has issued him with transfer funds accordingly. The board urges all fans to back the new manager and cheer us into the premiership .Now if there are no questions Mr Lambert has a team to prepare for the forthcoming season thank you’’

----I shall be posting current squad information soon.

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Ipswich Town Current First Team Squad

Player Name          ¦Positon ¦  Age  ¦ Comments                                                                                            ¦
                    ¦        ¦       ¦                                                                                                     ¦
Stephen Bywater    ¦   GK   ¦  26   ¦ On Loan from Derby ,Solid Keeper at this level but will be looking to bring someone in wo pus him all the way                                         ¦
Nick Colgan ¦   GK   ¦  33   ¦ 2nd choice keeper, Average at best, but has 2 or 3 clubs already have his signature. Expect for him to be sold shortly                                    ¦
Alex Bruce        ¦ DRC ¦  22   ¦ An up and coming young talent. Strong at this level and I will be looking at him to push on and claim a starting place.            ¦
David Wright            ¦ DR,L,C,DM ¦  27   ¦ An experience pro having played in the premiership. First choice right back and I will be looking at him to lead the side.¦
Jason De Vos         ¦   DC   ¦  33   ¦ Team captain, but at his current age I will be looking to replace him. His big and strong but with the current pace of opposing strikers his only sure to struggle                                ¦
Dan Harding        ¦  WBL/DL   ¦  23   ¦ A solid player at Championship level. Looking for a more composed left back but Harding is sure to feature in plans this term.                ¦
Sit,Castro     ¦  WBR/DR   ¦  27   ¦ Poor player who I am looking to ship out. Has some pace on him but his tackling ability is poor.                  ¦
Fabian Wilnis    ¦DLRC ¦  36   ¦ At his age Fabian will be nothing more than a squad player this term.                                ¦
Richard Naylor     ¦ DC  ¦  32   ¦ Will miss the start of the season due to injury, Not expecting Much from Naylor this term other than to be used in a squad system.                            ¦
Sylvain Legwinski     ¦ DM  ¦  33   ¦ Will be pushing hard for a start this campaign. May not have the legs as Shumliksoki but he is experience and he will give Shumi no easy ride.                                                            ¦
Velicie Shumlikoski      ¦ DM  ¦  26   ¦ Quality player and international. Plays primarily defensive Midfield but can be shifted out to the right if needs be. Expecting big things from this lad this year                                     ¦
Owen Garvan     ¦MC ¦  19   ¦ Has the potential to be a star, but will need to fight for a starting place this term                                        ¦
Tommy Miller            ¦ MC  ¦  28   ¦One of many Central Midfield players at the club. May struggle for a place in the squad                         ¦
Liam Trotter      ¦ MC ¦  18   ¦ This boy will be a star. His strong and easy with the ball. Already has a number of clubs after him so will be a battle to keep this lad                  ¦
David Norris          ¦  AM/RC   ¦  26   ¦ Another of a number of Midfield players who will struggle to start this season.         ¦
---------------------¦------- ¦-------¦-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¦
Alan quinn       ¦ AM ¦  28   ¦ Like Norris and Miller, another one of many centre midfielders. Will be the one to stay but like Norris and Miller will be looking to ship him out                 ¦
Kennedy Bakircioglu  ¦  AMR   ¦  26   ¦ One of the stars of the team, must try my best to secure a new contract to keep him here            ¦
Gavin Williams     ¦  MC  ¦  27   ¦ A top quality centre Midfielder. Will miss start of the season. Expect him to be pushing on when fit                                                   ¦
Gary Roberts             ¦  AM/RL   ¦  23   ¦Has the ability to tear defences apart at this level. I will watch him a few times before making a long term descion on the lad                                   ¦
Danny Haynes        ¦  AM/RL/ST   ¦  19   ¦ Another potential star, Has pace and ability. I really expect Danny to be there or there about  for the right midfield spot all season                  ¦
Jonathan Walters          ¦ AM/RL/ST ¦  26   ¦ This guy can play anywhere and well. Exactly what I need. More of a striker I expect at least 15 goals from the boy this season.¦
Pablo Counago         ¦ ST ¦  29   ¦ Top drawer player, who is lazy not only in training but on the pitch. Yet to decide on the future of Pablo.                                                         ¦
Alan Lee  ¦   ST   ¦  23   ¦ First choice striker, Can have equal amount of good days and bad days. Will need to compete with strikers I bring in    ¦

**I took the above idea off another post.Erm if the guy who did it doesnt want me to do it then please just say and I will alter it.Erm I dont mean to step on anyone's toes so like I said just say and I will change it**

Ipswich town can Today announce, manager Martin Lambert has transfer Listed 5 Ipswich players. They are Goalkeeper Nick Colgan, Defender Stio Castro and Midfeilders, Tommy Miller, David Norris and Alan Quinn.

Manager Martin Lambert has also confirmed that after recent staff meetings he has come to the mutual termination with 3 coaches. Andy Thorn Scout, Ken Goody Youth team Manager and Mark Endercott Physio.It was said to be believed the three coaches where not happy with Mr Lambert’s appointment and thus wanted out of there contracts. In the case of Andy Thorn the scout is said to be on his way to Villa to head up as new Head scout.

In the same interview Manager Martin Lambert also said he has sent Scouts Romeo Zondervan and Steve McCall away on scouting missions.He also stated he is currently intrested in 6 players but declined to as weather he had made a bid for out of favour Sunderland striker David Connelly.

BBC Transfer Rumour's.

Sheff Utd Make 2.5 Million bid for De Merriet, A 2.5 Million bid was already said to be under speculation from Ipswich town. It would appear Watford have a battle to keep this lad on there books—Various Sources

Sheff utd make enquiry as to availability of Ipswich Midfielder Liam Trotter.---The Sun

Peterborough confirm 100,000 Bid for Ipswich Goalkeeper Nick Colgan has been accepted and the club will now open transfer negations---Various Sources

Barnsley and Sheff Wednesday both have bids rejected for Ipswich Towns Alan Quinn, the bid’s both said to be in region of 400,000 were believed to be not enough for town Manager Martin Lambert. ---The Times

Ipswich have enquired about the availability of Arsenal Goalkeeper Luksaz Fabianski.---The Sun

Ipswich have made bid’s in the region of 3.5 Million for Sunderland Pair Darren Ward and David Connelly—Various Sources

Ipswich have also said to be made bids for Watford pair Priskin and De Merrit in there quest for the premiership. The bids said to be in the region of 1.5 and 2.5 respectively.---The independent

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