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Football Manager 2014 - Full Game Feedback/Tilbakemelding 14.1.3

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what have i do to my goalkeeper dont take te ball out of box, and why my DC is out with red card when i donĀ“t have agressive tackles select?


The first is a bug, which is getting looked at by SI.

The second is not in any way a bug. You don't have to have aggressive tackles to make a bad tackle.

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sorry but what is the lower league bug?

Many players in the lowest league (semi-pro levels) do not wish to sign contract extensions with their current club, so leave on a free, even if they are happy and there is no reason not to negotiate for them. This seems to happen especially with the starting players rather than players brought in to the club, but not exclusively.

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You haven't said what the red card(s) was for, it could have been a professional foul, two bookings, handball, anything. If there is a trend, with regular bad tackles, then there may be a problem, but unless that's the case this is just football.

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Even though I'm waiting to start a proper game due to the Lower league contract issue, I would want to thank the SI staff (moderators included) for their patience and for delivering the best football manager experience out there.

As stated above by Ackter this is one of the only games where the inventor still posts on the forums after more than 20 years, I have deep respect for all the exponents that contribute to my favorite waste of time(from inventor to volunteers).

The fact that many people (even me sometimes) are oversensitive is because many are emotionally involved for more than a decade with beautiful memories (Saviola, Kalstrom, To madeira). Longtime fans are more demanding, but when push comes to shove we will always have your back. Thatā€™s why championship manager and FIFA manager never stood a chance.

Keep up the good work guys, I have faith that you will deliver! In the meanwhile I will sharpen up my knowledge in the tactics forum.

If you need to keep your head, when all around you are losing theirs and blaming it on youā€¦. just watch the video below:

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what have i do to my goalkeeper dont take te ball out of box, and why my DC is out with red card when i donĀ“t have agressive tackles select?


It's not like hard tackles = getting sent off and easy tackles = not getting sent off. :lol:

If it is a professional foul then the player gets the red, no matter how brutal it was.

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Most straight red cards from tackles are caused by panic tackles imo - someone out of position lunging in desperately to try and recover the ball when caught by surprise.

thankĀ“s, just another question, if i want to my wingers cross on the floor and not by the air, it is possible?

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It's not like hard tackles = getting sent off and easy tackles = not getting sent off. :lol:

If it is a professional foul then the player gets the red, no matter how brutal it was.

in Portugal the red cards are shown when is a hard bad tackle or when is a second yellow card :lol:

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The contract issue is annoying, but it's not gamebreaking. I'm into my 6th season at lower levels. Others have piloted teams well up the divisions from the bottom league too. Bring your best new signings in on 2-3yr contracts, and it's not so much of an issue. As the seasons go on, the players are generally more inclined to sign on again with you also.

What about cpu teams? Dont you care if the ai doesnt handle the issue as well as you and end up with crippled team? Or is it a player only issue?

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What about cpu teams? Dont you care if the ai doesnt handle the issue as well as you and end up with crippled team? Or is it a player only issue?

It IS an issue, and it's mostly annoying in your second season, as most of your existing 1st season squad won't sign on again. But if you get through that, then it becomes less of an issue as time goes on.

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I've said it before and I will say it again: If I ran a company I would never put a list on the official forum of my product with all the issues that are (reportedly) in the game. Simply because this would create the following problems:

1: Less people will buy the game because of the reporterd issues listed, even though the issues might not influence the way they play, therefore having no effect on their playing experience.

2: The people that visit the forum will expect all the listed issues to be repaired, even when that's unrealistic, and will provide far too much pressure on my employees.

In my humble opinion SI is already very transparent in how they operate, what they are trying to fix en when they expect updates to come out. This indicates how much love they have for the game, both FM and football in general.

This makes a lot of sense actually. I'm going to wait(Do i have any other choice?) but I really, really want to play. By this time of the year i'm usually already 6 or so seasons in.

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Woops on you I'm afraid - you didn't quite bold the whole of it, and missed out the key bit. "Also, asking for lower team roles and then asking for a higher wage when I correct it." He's saying that when he puts the team role back to something higher, they ask for more wages. This is absolutely not a bug, and they even say something like "I would like a wage befitting the squad status offered".

Definitely a woops on me then. Completely missed the "correct it" part.

Nothing to see here. Move along :D

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It essentially happens if you have a sweeper keeper, because he's more likely to come to the edge of his area, catch it, and idiotically just keep running for 5 yards.
I've never used a sweeper keeper and my goalie still got three of those within the first 11 games of the season. So no, that's not it.
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How about Ā£30m for your player?

No thanks.

Okay how about Ā£30m?

No thanks.

How about Ā£30m?

No thanks.

Would Ā£30m do?

No thanks.

Let us make an offer of Ā£30m.


How about...

ad nauseum

and the 2 days after refusing to budge, they offer 60 million :D

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See, this is the problem with SI being so open and involved with their community - the community starts taking liberties.

If this sort of stuff keeps going on, SI will end up withdrawing completely. Can you imagine doing your job only to have a bunch of people follow you around all day shouting "are you done yet?" at you?

I can only assume that the people complaining about interaction don't actually play many other games, let alone visit their forums. You get way more here than you would with most other companies.

Here you've got the guy who invented this game giving updates and it's not enough for people.

No offence but when you use the players to find the bugs within the game AFTER (not a complaint by the way) you release it, you will always get people who moan more than others. And there would not be an SI would there without buyers of your games to be fair. And to threaten to withdraw completely, looks and read very childish imo, and to be honest does you no favours, especially when you are so helpful to so many on here.

You need a thicker skin and to stop being as melodramatic because of the people who are getting under your skin, unfortunately you'll never stop people complaining, it's human nature. And look at this forum you have a massive percentage praising the game, swapping things they've made for it (additional leagues/graphics/skins/tactics/advice, etc.). It's only a very small amount being over the top.

Great site, great game, keep up the good work. No offence meant by the way.

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Anyone else think the interception animation is dreadful, I mean your player stands still while the opposition player runs 15 yards to get the ball from next to your player.

Have not seen this - please post some examples of it in the bugs forum, cheers.

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No offence but when you use the players to find the bugs within the game AFTER (not a complaint by the way) you release it, and there would not be an SI would there without buyers of your games. You will always get people who moan more than others. And to threaten to withdraw completely, looks and read very childish imo, and to be honest does you no favours, especially when you are so helpful to so many on here.

You need a thicker skin and to stop being as melodramatic because of the people who are getting under your skin, unfortunately you'll never stop people complaining, it's human nature. And look at this forum you have a massive percentage praising the game, swapping things they've made for it (additional leagues/graphics/skins/tactics/advice, etc.). It's only a very small amount being over the top.

Great site, great game, keep up the good work. No offence meant by the way.

They dont need thicker skin. There are rules to abide by. You dont get away with just because it's the internet, pure and simple.

Constructive feedback is actively encouraged, abuse is not acceptable however.

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They dont need thicker skin. There are rules to abide by. You dont get away with just because it's the internet, pure and simple.

Constructive feedback is actively encouraged, abuse is not acceptable however.

When you say rules, abuse yes, absolutely agree but there's a line on here that I've noticed that's bordering on becoming a bit clouded. Rules should never involve stopping free speech and opinion. But 100% agree, abuse should not be allowed.

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Customers only react like this because they are not happy with the product they purchased on release day. So you could argue that this patch is a month late.

If I missed my deadline on a job by 4-5 weeks, I'd expect pressure on my back.

This implies that SI actually missed their deadlineā€”which they didn't. You're also grossly misrepresenting the number of customers that are unhappy with the game. This thread contains a tiny minority of the people who don't like the product; the millions of others enjoying the game are perfectly oblivious to the notion that the game is broken. Because it isn't.

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This implies that SI actually missed their deadlineā€”which they didn't. You're also grossly misrepresenting the number of customers that are unhappy with the game. This thread contains a tiny minority of the people who don't like the product; the millions of others enjoying the game are perfectly oblivious to the notion that the game is broken. Because it isn't.

I'm fairly sure that the Swedish league is, and the full backs, oh, oh, and one-on-ones.

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Stop asking me if I want to scrap the club's youth system every season that I only play an under 18s team. I'm a part time Conference club, the squad isn't big enough to justify a senior, u21 and u18 team, and I've kept the under 18s. Why do you think I want to scrap the youth team every single season?

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When you say rules, abuse yes, absolutely agree but there's a line on here that I've noticed that's bordering on becoming a bit clouded. Rules should never involve stopping free speech and opinion. But 100% agree abuse should not be allowed.

Without getting all meta, all free speech is defined by rules and consequences. You could write whatever you wanted, you would however have to accept the consequences of those actions.

Because of the way SI work, the forums are a sort of extension of their workplace, which leaves them quite open, and over the years that has lead to far too many people take that for granted and crossing the line. Indeed a lot SI simply no longer visit GD in particular because of it.

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Without getting all meta, all free speech is defined by rules and consequences. You could write whatever you wanted, you would however have to accept the consequences of those actions.

Because of the way SI work, the forums are a sort of extension of their workplace, which leaves them quite open, and over the years that has lead to far too many people take that for granted and crossing the line. Indeed a lot SI simply no longer visit GD in particular because of it.

I understand that, but you have rules in place to deal with abuse and quite rightly. Like I said before you'll never stop people moaning or trying crossing the line. There will always be a munchkin or two like that. There's is no proper solution as that's how it will always be, unfortunately.

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This implies that SI actually missed their deadlineā€”which they didn't. You're also grossly misrepresenting the number of customers that are unhappy with the game. This thread contains a tiny minority of the people who don't like the product; the millions of others enjoying the game are perfectly oblivious to the notion that the game is broken. Because it isn't.

So SI are working for what?

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well joe read back and you will get updates and why it was delayed.

Of course. I mean that i found so incorrect to say that the game is not broken. Like me and many others users are simply kids that don't like the game because we don't win when instead we are fans of FM with dozen years and sure we don't want a game too easy.

I mean...come on, if i buy a game the day-one (and trust me, buy a game for me is not so easy because i've got no job and i'm 34) and i don't play it for weeks, MAYBE it's the game. Respect for those that don't think like me about the game, but to say that the problem is the tactic when i dominate every game it's a nonsense. If the SI is working for update this game that means (for me) that the game is unplayable. And - of course - i don't mean that don't go start when i click the icon.

I mean that there is a plenty of problems. With all the respect for everybody, SI in primis.

Again - sorry for my english. I hope that my post is understandable.

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