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Turning Professional

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I am curious how much it takes for a club to turn professional. I am playing as Cefn Druids and we just participated in the Champions League, which increased my bank balance to 550k pounds and we only have a wage budget of 4k, so we should at the very least break even. I would like for us to turn professional so I can start signing some of my quality players to long-term contracts.

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On my country, Portugal, only clubs from 1st and 2nd division can offer professional contracts. The 3rd division clubs can offer only part time contracts. The regional divisions clubs can only offer amateur contracts, but these divisions aren't playable yet.

Portugal as several sports that the top division is not professional for example Rugby.

I think all depends of the country federations rules.

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In Wales, there is only one division and a couple of the teams are already professional.

I think it depends on the league you're in... I know in England you can go pro a lot quicker than in Wales, England team go pro around the Skrill North/League 2.

For Wales, I could only get my Afan lido team to go pro after we had around 2million in the bank via ECL prize money.

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To turn professional in a non professional leagues (like the Welsh league) you need to get a bank balance of at least £2.5million at seasons end (with the board's approval of course).

If promoted into a professional only league you will automatically become professional at the start of that season.

The figure of £2.5M I quoted is based on the fact that I once had the board agree mid-season to turn professional at the start of the new season. By the end of the season my bank balance had dropped below that figure and when the season progression was done at the end of the season we remained semi-professional.

It is slightly misleading the whole semi-professional label for clubs as there is nothing professional about teams that are semi-pro. A better description would be part-time. Maybe the club types could be:

Professional - Can only offer pro contracts

Semi-Professional - Can offer pro to key players/staff and part-time/amateur/non-contracts

Part-time - Can only offer part-time/amateur and non-contracts

Amateur - Can only offer amateur and non-contracts

I really can't see why the option to offer full time contracts at semi pro clubs was taken out. Provided a club can afford a few full time players and staff why shouldn't they be able to have them?

Good luck in Wales...I've done a few saves there myself with Barry Town mainly...prepare for a long hard struggle with TNS or Bangor City especially if they make the group stages of the champions league...becomes a nightmare then, although once you've cracked it the challenge is essentially over domestically.

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Thank you very much pheelf. It's going to take me a while to get to 2.5 million, I made the second round of the champions league qualifying and I only have around 500k. I won the title last year so hopefully I can hold off TNS for a few years.

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