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FM14 - Time wasting?

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I've had the game for a couple of days now and I really like the new tendencies system that has replaced the sliders, but there doesn't seem to be any obvious way of getting your players to waste time if you have a narrow lead with less than 10 minutes to go. Is it a case of selecting tendencies like 'keep possession' or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.

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Time Wasting is (as was the case in FM13) directly linked to Strategy.

More Attacking Strategies use less time wasting, more Defensive Strategies use more time wasting.

So, if you want to waste time at the end of the game, you'd need to use a more Defensive Strategy as the core of your setup.

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I believe, but I may be wrong as I rarely use "Defense" as my strategy, that I saw a Team Instruction of "Waste Time" or "Take more Time." I am not 100% sure though. I noticed though that you have additional team instructions depending on the strategy you use.

^you beat me to it and confirmed it is in Defensive.

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Obviously we can fathom this having played earlier incarnations of the game, but new players would need guidance of how the default strategies would look prior and post shouts. How you do this without sliders is anyone's guess - maybe the sliders could have been kept in the game just as a visual aid only?

My bugbear is not knowing exactly where my defensive line is, or how far up the pitch my CBs will press the ball.

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Agree with bullybeef - absolutely no reference points without sliders. Logically way better to keep sliders but make them non functional or add a better visual aid.

Major point is that there are many ways to play football which should be reflected in the game. The combinations at the moment just limit the game more than last year and without arrows limit defensive and attacking shapes. Progress is not made by restriction but by adding value.

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