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What profile reputation leads to what ?

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Having got the PC upgraded, now about to start a new journeyman game with most of western Europe loaded.....

My question is this - when you set your profile reputation what level of club or league does it lead too when you start unemployed ?

For example, when I ran a test on Saturday, I set my rep as automatic and was offered a job at Danish Premier League Brondy (predicted to finish 2nd in a 2.5* rep division).

Presumably if I set myself as former international footballer, that would equate to better job offers ?

So roughly to what level of club or league do the reputations equate ? (I'm looking to be offered jobs at around 2* league rep level)

Automatic = ? (what is this)

International footballer = ?

Pro footballer = ?

Semi pro footballer = ?

Sunday league = ?

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Automatic, as far as I know, sets it to the average reputation of the clubs in the lowest added league. So if you added down to the Skrill north in England, you'll probably be at around Sunday League rep.

That would seem to make sense, but it doesn't seem to align with what my test run showed over the weekend - the lowest rep league that is loaded and playable is 1.5* reputation, so getting offered a role at Brondby (top end 2.5* league rep) doesn't seem to add up as I was on 'automatic'???

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That would seem to make sense, but it doesn't seem to align with what my test run showed over the weekend - the lowest rep league that is loaded and playable is 1.5* reputation, so getting offered a role at Brondby (top end 2.5* league rep) doesn't seem to add up as I was on 'automatic'???

Just because your rep is set at 1.5 doesn't mean you won't get offered one higher. There are anomalies. I've been turned down for jobs I've been qualified for, and then got ones I really shouldn't have been. I would agree that getting the Brondby job seems a bit weird, but then job offers have always been a bit off at times in terms of rep.

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So, to get low reputation, you need to chose the nationality and lowest league in that nation, otherwise it wont work.

So, 2 questions - what if you select a nationality that isn't in the game ? and How does this impact a journeyman game where you want to work up the ladder by growing your reputation ?

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I've always found the profile reputation is sort of a dumb feature. Why doesn't "automatic" just scale to the club you start at? Otherwise anyone starting for a top club is forced to choose "international" rep or be forced to slog through weeks if not months of poor response to team talks and players lacking in motivation.

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