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OOps! I don't know much about! NON-FOOTBALL COSTS

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I complained bitterly about this in FM 13 and it seems nothing has been done. In my 1st season with Everton, i managed to rack up over 19M pounds in non-football ball. What the hell is going on? That figure is more than half my players wage for the entire year. SI had better fix this cos this can't be right.

What exactly does non-football costs compose of, its high time we all know. 19M in my 1st season, what's going to happen over the next couple of years. In my FM 13 save i was forced to making ridiculous amounts of profit by selling players to keep my bank balance from going in the red. Most times, my net transfer was +90M but the non-footballing cost kept eating away all that profit.

I attached a screen shot of this years finances.


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I don't see why there should be both "non-football costs" and "other" categories. Really I don't see why there should be either. If money's going somewhere it's worth actually saying where. But there's certainly no need to have both incredibly vague categories...

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I don't see why there should be both "non-football costs" and "other" categories. Really I don't see why there should be either. If money's going somewhere it's worth actually saying where. But there's certainly no need to have both incredibly vague categories...

Pretty sure "other" is things like expense accounts for staff.

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Yeah, having "other" in your costs is realistic book-keeping, I don't see much of a problem with that. Stuff like non-footballing staff wages, cleanup costs after games, expense accounts, travel costs, office upgrades, etc. still has to come out from revenue that is, by-and-large, all modeled in the game's finances.

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£22.724m for the 2012 accounts, Arsenal booked £56.716m against the 'other operate charges' column on their 2012 accounts & Spurs came in at £34.438m.

Guess interest on loans are under other costs. And Arsenal do all kinds of charity stuff. They even have a school for kids with troubles on Emirates.

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Take a look at Everton's actual accounts. "Other Operating Costs" was about £22m in the last report that I saw.

Yeah, but that's because they're prepared under UK GAAP so are able to take advantage of certain disclosure exemptions. There's a danger of taking realism too far!

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While that would be a fun thing to add for LLM (especially WAAAY down the ladder), I doubt the manager at top level teams handle travel logistics on their own. Getting us to negotiate contract and dictate transfer prices is already a stretch.

But can you imagine?

"To save costs, Manager Korelone has decided to drive the team around in his parents' beat-up RV rather than spend 500 quid a game renting a coach."

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Non-footballing costs are stuff like travel and accommodation, staff wages are incorporated in the wage budget.

That would 'Travel Cost', surly?

As far as I know it is wages paid out to non-footballing staff. Which makes sense since it's under the salary column now

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While that would be a fun thing to add for LLM (especially WAAAY down the ladder), I doubt the manager at top level teams handle travel logistics on their own. Getting us to negotiate contract and dictate transfer prices is already a stretch.

But can you imagine?

"To save costs, Manager Korelone has decided to drive the team around in his parents' beat-up RV rather than spend 500 quid a game renting a coach."

Manager Korelone has also asked everyone to chip in a tenner for fuel ..

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  • SI Staff

Non-Footballing Costs cover the wages of non-footballing staff at the club. This includes the board of directors, stewards, office staff, trainers, club shop staff, marketing staff, ball boys etc. that are not modeled individually in the game.

The "Other Costs" category similarly includes miscellaneous material costs that don't come under the other separate accounts. These include for example insurances, gas/electrical bills, office supplies, training kits and such.

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