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Scout-less (Not enough wage-possibility)

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My club recommends that I have up to 6 scouts. I will never be able to have more than one. A chief scout. This scout, I can afford. But all other scouts demand more than my club will pay.

It is a bit annoying and "buggish" that I can never pay more than 180.000 (my local currency) when even the worst possible scout demands at least 300.000.

My club is low on finances, but gladly allows me to pay 5-800.000 for players, but not even the markets worst scout (that I have found) will accept the wages I can offer. That seems incorrect for an otherwise realistic game.

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And furthermore - If I look at what the worst parttime scouts are paid in their current jobs, It can be as low as 37.000 so surely my limit om 180.000 would be enough, right?

Nope, as soons as I try to negotiate they want 320.000 and no deals can be made.

It seems 320.000 is the lowest wage any (terrible) scout wants as a starting offer, and when I suggest my maximum wage, I can sometimes negotiate them down to 280.000. But there it ends.

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A search filter for wage requested would drastically help in this area so you don't have to go into the contract offer screen for every single coach/scout/etc. until you find some one you can afford.

I tried placing an advert recently, and it took longer than I would have liked (give or take a week and a half) and then it spit back a bunch of candidates I couldn't afford anyway.

The trick I've found is to look for people from more obscure nations. If England, look for Scottish, Welsh, or Irish candidates for example.

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Get your chief scout to be the highest ever Potential and Ability attributes. The others you need not worry. Get some obscure scouts with somewhat decent stats in Potential and Ability and have them roam around finding people and have your chief scout get a report himself to you.

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And setting the wage setting to lowest possible helps nothing whatsoever. I get a fine list og scouts who earn very little, but when I offer them the job, they start by demanden 320.000 everytime. Even though they were earning 40.000 in the previous club. And they will never ever go down to my maximum wage.

It has to be a bug.

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