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how to pass to strikers or avoid long shots

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I'm getting really frustrated and need help. i dominate the macthes but have trouble making CCCs because of long shots...

how do you avoid long shots from your players in any tactic?

shooting less doesn't work. low creativity doesn't work, support duty also doesn't work. they just shoot as soon as they are near the area even if they could run to half the area and have a clear shot to score or pass the ball to a clear player. tried lots of formations and tactics and always have same problem...

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I've got players running 40 yards and beating 2 men. Soon as they're near the area, they shoot. Either keep going or pass! I would even prefer if they just turned around and ran back to my half rather than shoot. Where is my "NEVER EVER SHOOT FROM OUTSIDE 12 YARDS" option?

Same with crosses. I've had so many chances wasted by players refusing to cross the ball. They just slowly dribble across the box and shoot.

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Unfortunately I've still not figured this conundrum out.

I'm closing to releasing a tactic but until I solve certain positions constantly attempting to score from 35 yards its not as good as it can be.

I miss my sliders.

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I do think that there are slightly too many long shots in the ME, however I haven't found the problem to be as dire as everyone makes it sound. I have found that the problem is usually tied to some combination of playing with a high tempo, insufficient support and not asking your forward to hold up the ball. If a player is isolated (especially if he has a high attacking mentality and you're playing at a high tempo), then he will often times decide that the best option is a long shot. Are you asking your player to hold up the ball? If so, what are his teamwork, work rate and decisions attributes (it could be the player making poor decisions or not wanting to hold the ball up for the team)?

Also, I suspect that you actually can view player instructions as if the sliders were still there. It seems that most instructions (i.e., shoot from distance, through balls, cross, dribbling) operate in the exact same way, but with the caveat that we are limited in what we can ask the players to do depending on their role. So, using long shots as an example, if your striker has the option to shoot more or shoot less, then I think you can assume that his "slider" is shoots from distance sometimes. If you ask the player to shoot less, then that is the equivalent of shoot from distance rarely and shoot more would be often. Shoot from distance rarely, however, did not mean that players would never shoot from distance and if a player doesn't think that there was another option, then he would take a long shot. The same would hold true if a player has poor work rate, decisions and teamwork (he might not be willing to work very hard in holding the ball up for his teammates or just constantly makes the wrong decision). This is, in my opinion, realistic. In real life, strikers will often take a speculative long shot when they receive the ball without sufficient support due to a lack of attacking options. Having said that, I miss the sliders as well. In previous versions, one of my favorite roles was an adjusted treq role where the player closes down at the same rate as the rest of the team. I understand that SI decided that not closing down is a fundamental aspect of the treq and thus hard-coded this option, but I would like to have more control on my players tactical instructions (even if they are in the form of instructions).

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Check a few things that can all contribute to longshots.





Outside of player attributes and PPM's make sure you have passing options. If you are attacking heavilty, have everyone forwards, the opposition are parking the bus and you have DIRECT passing then expect lots of long shots.

This was covered heavily in some threads for 2013FM. Long shots can be reduced heavily by giving players better options. Having players in space, having a lower mentality, having back pass options..... all these things can result in less Longshots.

Sadly there is not one single instruction that will turn these off.

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I have found that the problem is usually tied to some combination of playing with a high tempo, insufficient support and not asking your forward to hold up the ball.

almost like that but they have support. adding hold up the ball seemed to fix it a little. thanks

Long shots can be reduced heavily by giving players better options. Having players in space, having a lower mentality, having back pass options..... all these things can result in less Longshots.

i gave players freedom to move from position and pass into empty spaces and that also lowered long shots chances. thx

my final outcome:

move empty spaces + dangerous passes equals less long shots, sure it's more dangerous because of counter attacks but at least i don't see ball going outside to the balcony

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Just played Rayo Vallecano at Camp Nou. Dominated the game yet Messi was as ineffective as I have ever seen him. Got a ratting of 5.7 and had 3 shots on target. I don't understand this.

At this point I'm considering getting a replacement for Messi. A striker that can actually shot the fricken ball.



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