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Gelling a tactic, help please?

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I'm having a lot of trouble gelling tactics, I have just started my 3rd save and followed Cleons guidelines from fm2013 and still when season starts my tactic is not fluid. I have general training set at fitness and high for 2 weeks then changed it to team cohesion and high until season starts, I have match preparation set to tactics only and the training and match prep set at 50-50. I have just played 12 friendlies (a friendly every 3 days) and my tactic formation is still awkward. Can anyone please shed any light on this or point me in the right direction?

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I have not changed anything at all mate but I did sign 4 players (3 first team players and 1 U21). The formation, mentality aqnd creative freedom of the tactic have barely moved and are still on awkward, however the rest is just about on competent. I have read so many times of peoples tactics completely gelled by start of season, just not sure what I'm doing wrong.

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I had the same problems as you when first starting out. Its all about having an intense training regime during pre-season.

-Make sure your pre-season is as long as possible

-Play a friendly every 3 days (play smaller teams than yourself, you should win every one and have high morale come the new season)

-The more formations you have the longer they will take to learn. I never have more than 2 for this reason

-Set no rest before or after matches

-Hire a Coach that has very high "Tactical" stat and set him teaching Tactics. If needed you can set other Coaches training Tactics, though this may have a negative impact on other training areas.

-Set Match Training to 'Tactics Only' and General Training to "Team Cohesion" - set both to Very High

-Set the training slider all the way to the left, as much "Match Training" as possible

-The more new signings you make, the more unfamiliar your team becomes with each Tactic being trained

Using the above I'm usually at 90+ Tactic Familiarity when I play my first competitive game of the season. Hope it helps.

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Damn so in order to make your tactic pretty gelled is not to make any signings?

Thanks Dench I will try another save and add another coach to tactics and move slider all the way to left as I had it at 50-50.

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Damn so in order to make your tactic pretty gelled is not to make any signings?

Thanks Dench I will try another save and add another coach to tactics and move slider all the way to left as I had it at 50-50.

50-50 is all the way to the left :)

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Damn so in order to make your tactic pretty gelled is not to make any signings?

If you follow these instructions then you should be able to gel new signings in before the season starts. The sooner you make your new signings the better as they'll have longer to gel. Obviously if you leave it til the week before your first game and sign 3 new players then your "Tactics Familiarity" will be affected.

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