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wage budget change

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so i'll just c&p what i said in otf

started as a third division german team, wage budget agreed of 93k and the club spending nearly all of it atm, few weeks later the budgets dropped to 65k with no warning or news :thup:.

whats going on there then? the clubs been relegated the season before, but i joined them at the start up of a new game and we went through all the budget stuff at the start of the season so surely its not to do with that. can't do anything now as i'm well over budget, good times.

has anyone else noticed this? seems mad that i'm now so far over my budget without doing anything, surely the board wouldn't set it so low, i'd literally have to sell 6/7 of the top earners and even then i'd be only breaking even with no hope of bringing anyone in, leaving me with a squad of 14 or so :D. plus the fact that it was agreed that 93k was the seasons wage budget seems to be totally bypassed.

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