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Not scoring enough goals, need help.

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Hi, I'm still struggling to get into FM 14. Most likely due to the new tactics format and because my teams don't score enough goals and I end up getting bored. Currently I am struggling to score goals. I'm managing Arsenal, I am 5 points clear at the top after 18 games but I've only scored 25 league goals.

My attacking quartet is usually Giroud as a Poacher, Ozil as AP, Walcott Winger and Cazorla IF.



Team shouts/instructions. I'm not using any player instructions


Past fixtures


Sorry if this looks like a mess, new to the forums and still trying to get used to it. Any help would be appreciated.

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There is an Arsenal tactics thread on this forum, and also an Arsenal thread in Good Player and Team forum. You might get more help in either of those rather than starting a new thread. Also there is a lot of good information in those threads that might help you a lot.

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whats your reasoning behind using "higher tempo" and "play wider" instructions?

could it be that these instructions makes your play a bit rushed and so that your players are to far away from each other to build good passing moves?

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I'd question the use of the Poacher up front on his own. A general "rule" is that a Poacher should be paired with another striker in a supporting role.

Also I don't think Giroud plays that position very well anyway, and with so much attacking talent behind him, and the general lack of prolific strikers in this year's ME, I'd try him out as maybe a DLF-A/CF-S and look for those 3 attacking mids for goals, maybe stick Ozil on the SS-A duty. Possibly even a TM-S/A, although I've never tried the lone TM and many would argue against it.

There's no movement between the lines in your midfield, you've got that huge gap between the full-backs and wingers, and then two CMs with defensive duties. If you look at how Arsenal play IRL, only Flamini holds, while Wilshere/Ramsey push on and link with the attackers. Look how many times they've been struggling to break teams down this season and then one of them has burst into the box to score.

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